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Linguistic and cultural competence is realized in the knowledge of material and spiritual culture, historical development of the Ukrainian nation, folklore, traditions, customs and rites of the native people, as well as in the ability to implement cultural knowledge in professional activities. It is important to develop the ability to characterize the phenomenon of Ukrainian culture, the history of its development, to determine its place in the system of world culture, to appreciate cultural achievements based on knowledge of the historical context of their creation, to be capable of dialogue between cultures, to be able to express and justify one’s own position on issues related to the value attitude to historical past.
Keywords: linguistic and cultural competence, spiritual and intellectual education, material and spiritual culture.

Davydchenko I. D.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Municipal Institution “Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy” Kharkiv Regional Council,
м. Kharkiv, Ukraine

Over the centuries, Ukrainian spiritual and intellectual education and training has absorbed the best achievements of the world’s material and spiritual culture, which affirm goodness, love, beauty, mercy, and justice in all spheres of life. The separation of education from national cultural and historical traditions created alienation of the younger generations from their families, folk culture, native language, morality, and spirituality.

The problem of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and education of the individual has always been one of the most pressing, and in modern conditions it is gaining special significance. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature shows that a lot of attention has been paid to the education of spirituality.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the concept of “linguistic and cultural competence” and the directions of its realization through the provision of relevant knowledge and skills to young people in the system of spiritual and intellectual education and training.

The most important priority in the education of the younger generation at the present stage, as stated in the Concept of National and Patriotic Education of Children and Youth [1], is the formation of a person’s value attitude to the Ukrainian people, Motherland, state, nation; transferring to the younger generation of socio-cultural experience, the wealth of the spiritual culture of the people, which should become the basis for the formation of personal traits of a citizen of Ukraine: national identity, developed spirituality, moral culture. Therefore, the problem of forming the linguistic and cultural competence of higher education students is of national importance, as it is about preserving and increasing the social and spiritual wealth of society.

An educational specialist is a “person of culture”, a creative person, aware of his/her national roots, respecting the cultural heritage of other peoples, able to reveal and support individual abilities in each student, to captivate with the passionate word of the native language and to form a tolerant personality with a developed sense of understanding and respect for other cultures.

The peculiarities of development and formation of higher education students’ readiness for professional activity in pedagogical higher education institutions is an extremely urgent problem, since no other profession has such requirements for a person as the profession of a teacher, teacher, educator. The intellectual, spiritual, social, and emotional development of children’s personalities depends on their professionalism. Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of higher education institutions depends not only on educational programs, but also on the teacher’s personality, relationships with children, and professionalism. Every talented, highly qualified, thoughtful teacher combines the general theoretical achievements of pedagogy, his or her own experience, personal preferences, and the characteristics of the children with whom he or she works.

Linguoculturology studies the fixation in language, ethnotexts and discursive practice of the spiritual and material culture of a people, that is, culturally significant information preserved in the collective memory of symbolic ways of material and spiritual awareness of the world by a certain ethnic group, reproduced in its ideas, patterns of thinking and behavior, system of ethical and aesthetic values, norms, customs, rituals, myths, beliefs, superstitions, and everyday life [4].

In our opinion, linguistic and cultural competence is realized in the knowledge of material and spiritual culture, historical development of the Ukrainian nation, folklore, traditions, customs and rituals of the native people, as well as in the ability to implement cultural knowledge in professional activities. It is important to develop the ability to characterize the phenomenon of Ukrainian culture, the history of its development, determine its place in the system of world culture, appreciate cultural achievements based on knowledge of the historical context of their creation, be capable of a dialogue of cultures, be able to express and justify one’s own position on issues related to the value of the historical past [2].

In the process of studying the formation of linguistic and cultural competence of higher education students, we consider it necessary to analyze linguistic phenomena, consider cultural and spiritual universals, and form tolerance, tolerance, and harmony. We should also focus the attention of higher education students on the real pearls of Ukrainian culture that have enriched world culture (Taras Shevchenko, song, towel, etc.), and form a sense of unity of all people of the Earth [2].

That is, our task, as well as that of the linguistic and cultural studies course, is to conduct a wise expansion of our own highly spiritual culture (oral folk art, architectural monuments, protected areas) along with intercultural dialogue. Therefore, an equally important factor in intercultural dialogue is to avoid such phenomena as cultural arrogance and narcissism, disdain and envy of other cultures, stereotypical perception of oneself and others, unwillingness to change, and double standards in relation to oneself and others [5].

We are convinced that all people of the world and their cultures are united by common ideas, images, symbols, and archetypes. It was through the prism of the dialogue of cultures that the Dictionary of Symbols (“Dictionary of Symbols of Cultures of Ukraine”) was compiled under the general editorship of Professor O. Potapenko [3].

The development of a free, humane and responsible personality is directly related to the system of its spiritual and intellectual education and training. After all, spirituality and morality involve going beyond selfish interests and personal gain and focusing on the moral and spiritual culture of humanity.

Spiritual and intellectual education and training should be based on the principles of freedom, responsibility, justice, creativity, cooperation, amateurism, and the development of creative individuality.

We can talk about spiritual and intellectual education and training only when we ask the question: what is the purpose of human activity, what is the meaning of achieving certain goals, aspirations, intentions, so, in our opinion, the sphere of spiritual, intellectual and moral values includes the meaning of life, love, good, evil, etc., that is, the meaning of general moral categories. And if this is the case, then a person is always aware of his or her spiritual values, as opposed to the kind of personal values that are not always conscious.

Summarizing the above, we note that, given the complexity and importance of the education process, the leading goal of true education should be moral self-awareness, education and development of spiritual qualities. An important component of this process is the formation of linguistic and cultural competence in students. Each person should be instilled with a taste for the spiritual side of life. Only personality-oriented quality education can solve these problems.

List of references

1. The concept of national and patriotic education in the education system of Ukraine: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 06.06.2022 № 527. URL: (accessed October 28, 22).
2. Davydchenko I. D. Formation of linguistic and cultural competence of future teachers of preschool educational institutions: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.04. SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University”. Sloviansk, 2018. 359 с.
3. Potapenko O. I. Dictionary of symbols of culture of Ukraine. Kyiv: Millennium, 2005.
4. Selivanova O. O. Modern linguistics: directions and problems: a textbook. Kyiv; Poltava: Environment, 2008. 712 с.
5. Ukrainian linguoculturology: textbook for students majoring in “Ukrainian language and literature” / O. I. Potapenko and others, edited by O. I. Potapenko. Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi: FOP Gavryshenko V. M., 2014. 350 с.