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The article presents the experience of organizing the mental and intellectual education of students of higher education on the example of the activities of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. The work is conducted in accordance with the normative documents of the University and includes the development of patriotism and national consciousness; curatorial work; organization of positive leisure time for applicants; improvement of activities of student self-government bodies.
Keywords: education, mental, students of higher education, curatorship, safe environment, volunteering, flash mob, student self-government.

Borysenko N. O.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, с. Kharkiv, Ukraine

In times of war, spiritual and intellectual upbringing of young people is important, as it is a counteraction to the inhumane attitude towards the person, his or her sovereign rights and national identity, despair and powerlessness of a person in a difficult situation. In extreme conditions, a person needs spirituality to make the right choice between good and evil, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly. Intellect helps to understand cause and effect relationships, to isolate the main thing, to compare, to draw conclusions and to build an effective strategy for survival and self-preservation.

The current situation of martial law in Ukraine exacerbates the need for spiritual and intellectual development of the potential of each individual and the entire Ukrainian nation. Higher education institutions are centers of hardening of young people capable of defeating the enemy, defending the unity of the nation, rebuilding the country and showing a strong moral position in critical situations.

The purpose of the article is to present the experience of organizing the work of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University on spiritual and intellectual education of young people during the war for wide publicity.

In accordance with the objectives of the Concept of Educational Work for 2021-2025 [1], adopted at the University, the directions of spiritual and intellectual education of young people are identified, such as: creating safe conditions; development of patriotism and national consciousness, love and respect for Ukraine, its people, national symbols; filling the content of curatorial work with relevant contemporary topics; formation of creative abilities and organization of positive leisure for higher education students; activation of new approaches in the work of student self-government bodies.

The realities of today make higher education students aware of the creation of safety conditions and rules of behavior in extreme situations. Meetings on security issues were held: “Creating Security Conditions in Educational Buildings and Dormitories” and “Safe Stay in Educational Buildings and Dormitories During Martial Law”.

The future teachers and academic staff got acquainted with the standards for sheltering places and an interactive map of Kharkiv shelters where they can hide during an air raid.

Volunteer activity is currently relevant, as it helps people change their thinking and enrich their spiritual world [3]. Future specialists and teachers of the University participated in volunteer activities at the call of their hearts. They organized unloading and packing of humanitarian aid. Social and educational interaction was held for children with special educational needs and their parents. Participants of the interaction were able to feel love and respect for our real heroes, as well as participate in an exciting quiz, physical activity “Dance with a robot” and musical interaction “Guess the melody from your favorite cartoon”, watch a puppet theatricalization of the fairy tale “Hospitable House”.

The students of the higher education level organized a master class on making a motanka angel as a talisman for our defenders. To help the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the University Volunteer Committee launched the challenge “Donate Blood – Save a Life”. Since the first days of the war, efforts have been made to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine, local territorial defense fighters, internally displaced persons, including the elderly and children who are particularly vulnerable and need attention, care and psychological support. A charity event “Reading brings victory closer!” was announced to raise funds for thermal underwear for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, at the end of which 3 books will be drawn.

In the course of spiritual and intellectual education, the work of the curatorial institute was emphasized. In order to form national and patriotic consciousness, foster feelings of national dignity and respect for the historical past and European future of the Ukrainian state, curators of academic groups at all faculties held hours of interactive communication. In order to strengthen emotional stability, a curatorial hour was organized on the following topics: “How learning helps to overcome fear and panic of war”, “How to maintain psychological health: instructions for everyday practices”, “Our strength is in unity”. On the occasion of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, the curators prepared and held a challenge “From Heart to Heart to a Defender” and a lesson on the history of the Ukrainian Cossacks. Future specialists got acquainted with the history of the Cossacks and their modern descendants – courageous and heroic Ukrainian military. The higher education students were offered interesting and informative pages from the glorious historical past and present of our Motherland, and the memory of those graduates of the University – heroes who died fighting for the freedom of the Ukrainian people and the sovereignty of our state – was emphasized.

To commemorate the 300th anniversary of Hryhorii Skovoroda’s birth, curators of academic groups held a series of thematic events to remind us of the fundamental provisions of the legacy of the famous Ukrainian philosopher and teacher, as well as to reveal interesting facts about his life and public activities. A mural in the center of Kharkiv dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Hryhorii Skovoroda’s birth was painted. On the occasion of the anniversary of the university patron Hryhorii Skovoroda’s birthday, a challenge of motivated quotes by Hryhorii Skovoroda called “#challenge_of_skovoroda’s_quotes” was launched on Facebook. To participate in the challenge, participants created a photo collage containing one quote by Hryhorii Skovoroda and revealing its meaning.

We continue to organize interesting flash mobs and contests that allow applicants to distract themselves, realize their creative potential, and communicate with like-minded people. A remote flashmob “With Ukraine in the Heart” was held to celebrate the 31st anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence Day. A number of national and patriotic educational events were organized: students of all levels of education and specialties enthusiastically joined the university-wide and all-Ukrainian flash mobs dedicated to the Flag Day and Independence Day. They posted photos with Ukrainian symbols and relevant hashtags on social media pages. Representatives of the student parliament prepared their own video greetings for the entire Skovoroda family on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine, recited their own poems.

Our students did not ignore the online space. The future teachers launched a flash mob relay called “Ukrainian Tiktok” to unite freshmen in such a difficult time. The applicants also launched a sports challenge “Sport in Time of War” on social media, which was joined by representatives of all the University’s faculties. On the eve of the Day of Education Workers, an online video marathon was held on the topic: “The teaching profession is our future”. On the pages of social networks of the faculties, videos were published in which applicants for higher education talked about their vision of the teaching profession, revealing the most positive aspects of the teacher’s work.

Psychological support for higher education students and academic staff is important [2]. An online meeting of a student workshop on “Psychological Counseling: Application in Practice” and a psychological special workshop on “Using the Bibliotherapy Method in Psychological Support of Clients” was held. As part of the scientific and educational projects, they learned about innovative techniques and methods of modern practical psychology. According to stakeholders, student workshops and psychological workshops are more dynamic, flexible, and effective formats of modern education that contribute to the development of professional competencies, management of acquired knowledge, and the creation of teams to solve educational problems.

Thus, even in the days of war, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University actively promotes the spiritual and intellectual development of young people. The result of this is the victory of higher education student Yulia Matei in the city stage of the contest “Young Person of the Year – 2022” in the nomination “Students (cadets) of higher education institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation”.

List of references

1. Concepts of educational work for 2021-2025 of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. URL : (accessed 09.11.2022).
2. Ovsiuk D.R., Rybalko L.S., Karas A.G. Educational anti-crisis training in the educational process for higher education students under martial law in Ukraine. Theory and methods of teaching and upbringing. 2022. № 52. С. 137-151.
3. Rybalko LS, Ovsiuk DR, Karas AG Youth volunteering under martial law in Ukraine. Modern aspects of modernization of science: state, problems, trends of development: mat. XX international scientific-practical conference (Bucharest, Romania, May 07, 2022) / edited by I. V. Zhukova, E. O. Romanenko. Bucharest : VADND, 2022. 324 с. С. 238-243. URL : (accessed on 09.11.2022).