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The modern idea of man and the leading role of spirituality in his development shows that man is not only a rational being, a physical body, but also an inseparable structure consisting of spirit, soul, and body. According to modern ideas, a person appears to us as a being consisting of the physical world and the world of subtle energies.
Keywords: spiritual potential of a person, spiritual culture, psychology of spirituality, spiritual education, spiritual world of a person, spiritual values.
The modern idea of a person and the leading role of spirituality in its development shows that a person is not only an intelligent being, a physical body, but also an inseparable structure consisting of spirit, soul and body. According to modern ideas, man appears before us as a being consisting of the physical world and the world of subtle energies.
Keywords: Spiritual potential of the individual, spiritual culture, psychology of spirituality, spiritual education, spiritual world of the individual,
spiritual values.
Boychuk Yu. D.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Rector,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
м. Kharkiv, Ukraine
Goncharenko M. S.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
м. Kharkiv, Ukraine
Prutkova O. L.
PhD student of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
м. Kharkiv, Ukraine
For Ukraine, as well as for many other countries, a special role in changing the strategic development of education is assigned to the formation of a valeological culture, upbringing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle of students on the platform of the formation of a high spiritual potential of the personality of future teachers. Along with the traditional functions of the educational process, teachers have to take on the functions of cultural imitation and culture creation, health care, and social protection, i.e. the multifunctionality of education is increasing.
The modern idea of a human being and the leading role of spirituality in his or her development shows that a person is not only a rational being, a physical body, but also an inseparable structure consisting of spirit, soul, and body. According to modern ideas, a person appears to us as a being consisting of the physical world and the world of subtle energies [1, p. 146].
Unfortunately, energy, informatics and the spiritual state of a person have so far remained beyond the vision of teachers. It turns out that in the education system of both secondary and higher education, knowledge about man and the world around him is provided only from the standpoint of the physical plane, while all the latest technologies are carried out at the level of energy and information exchange.
The understanding of spirituality has a significant impact on the formation of a future teacher’s modern worldview. G. S. Skovoroda believed that nature is “the spirit blessed in man”. Several centuries have passed, and the problem of spiritual development of the individual remains relevant. It can be solved by changing and transforming human consciousness, i.e., the spiritual needs of a person necessitate the development of his or her consciousness.
Modern pedagogy should play a significant role in the function of orientation of humanity to the highest ideals, universal values [2, p. 174].
The concept of spirituality is often associated with such manifestations of the intellectual sphere of a person as wisdom, intelligence. Spirituality is also expressed through aesthetic inclinations, a manifestation of attraction to various types of art. The most common vision of spirituality is through human morality and its humanistic orientation. At the same time, it should be remembered that a morally developed person is guided by the laws and principles of morality that exist in this society, while a spiritually developed person is guided by the highest spiritual laws, conscience, justice and mercy.
An analysis of modern scientific literature shows that the problems of spirituality have been studied by scholars in the following areas: spiritual culture, psychology of spirituality, spiritual upbringing, spiritual world of the individual, spiritual values, spiritual life, spiritual potential, spiritual crisis, spiritual experience, spiritual health, spiritual revival. For a long time, spirituality was equated with religion. When the church was separated from the state, the topic of spirituality was excluded from scientific works, because communist ideals absolutized a person who could bring nature to its knees and prove the absence of the Creator [2, p. 174].
In the modern period, there is a return of interest in religion and a corresponding increase in interest in the phenomenon of spirituality. This is facilitated by scientific research into the properties of matter; study of its behavior as a particle and as a wave; further study of consciousness and psyche as manifestations of the subtle human world. The acceptance of such postulates as the hierarchy of spiritual health in relation to human physical development, the holographic nature of consciousness, and field theory bring humanity closer to the recognition of the divine and contribute to the convergence of religious and scientific ideas about spirituality [2, p. 175].
Consideration of spirituality from the standpoint of the bioenergy-information structure of a person is shown in Fig. 1. It follows that spirituality develops in stages in the harmonious interaction of information, matter, energy, psychotype, and genotype.
At the first stage, thanks to unconscious activity, the soul settles in the body and, through instincts and aspirations, forms the ability to respond to the environment, i.e. emotionality. Emotionality, through the goals and values of a person, forms morality, which, through rational activity, creates and cultivates intellectuality. Morality and intellectuality, through the interaction of conscience and knowledge, form spirituality. The level of development of spirituality is determined by the degree of development of consciousness, which, together with understanding through spiritual activity, leads a person to a righteous life and the formation of wisdom. The final stage in the development of the symbiotic interaction of the soul and body is the formation of holiness through the processes of service and creativity.
In general, this approach is a reference scheme for the formation of spiritual health. Rare individuals reach the highest level of development, i.e. holiness. In fact, this developmental scheme leads to the gradual formation of the physical body, emotional and volitional sphere, intellectual and mental sphere, the sphere of formation of life principles, universal values, ideals, and the semantic sphere of spiritual development. Each person has their own pace of development and their own stage of spiritual perfection, depending on the level of development of the soul in previous incarnations and the quality of the lifestyle in the current incarnation. The indicator is human health.
Help and support in this process is provided by the power of knowledge of the teacher, which forms the power of knowledge of the student. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the level of manifestation of the power of knowledge, the level of development of consciousness and awareness, the level of creative activity, and the potential for co-creation are determined by the worldview that a person professes. Therefore, both in the learning process and in the development of modern humanistic approaches to education, the primary role should be given to the formation of a worldview that is relevant to the present time.
The concept of spirituality is often associated with such manifestations of the human intellectual sphere as wisdom and intelligence. Spirituality is also expressed through aesthetic inclinations, the manifestation of attraction to various types of art.
Fig. 1. The bioenergy-information system of a person
The most common vision of spirituality is through human morality and its humanistic orientation. At the same time, it should be remembered that a morally developed personality is guided by the laws and principles of morality that exist in society, while a spiritually developed personality is guided by the highest spiritual laws, conscience, justice and mercy [2, p. 176]. Fig. 2 shows the process of development of human spiritual potential in space and time.
Different ideas about the essence of spirituality are united by a common thought about the harmonization of human life and nature, the fulfillment of the universal laws of the universe, the cognition of man himself and the eternal desire for freedom, overcoming his imperfection. Spirituality is the mastery of the art of being happy.
Fig. 2. The process of development of human spiritual potential in space and time
The teacher should pay attention to the fact that it is especially important for a person to realize that he or she, being an energy entity, emits energy that positively or negatively affects the environment. That is why it is extremely important for a modern person to understand the need to control and correct their emotional, volitional and intellectual spheres in order to purify their feelings and thoughts from various negative manifestations. It is also necessary to remember that there is a relationship between the moral and spiritual self-improvement of a person, humanization and spiritualization of the whole society.
Spiritual development and the acquisition of knowledge is the development of consciousness to the level of superconsciousness. It has to be done through hard work. Education plays a significant role in this process. Spiritual development should occupy a worthy place among other disciplines at all educational levels, and be harmonious with our rhythm of life.
List of references
1. Goncharenko M. S. Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Training a Future Teacher of Health Fundamentals on the Basis of a Synergistic Approach: Monograph: Brovin O. V., 2019. 458 с.
2. Scientific bases of the modern worldview. Valeological aspect: educational and methodological manual. Kharkiv: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 2011. 255 с.
3. Goncharenko MS, Boychuk YD Human ecology: a study guide. Sumy; Kyiv: University Book Publishing House; Publishing House “Princess Olga”, 2005. 391 с.
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