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Annual international peer-reviewed collection of scientific papers
Published since 2019

ISSN 2708-4809

The collection publishes all articles under an open license CC BY-NC-ND

The collection provides an integral material of scientific content, containing original research by the author or review articles corresponding to the stated problems of the conference.

Materials languages ​​- Ukrainian, English, Russian.

The volume of the article is 5-10 pages of A4 format, font – Times New Roman, size – 12; line spacing – 1.0; margins: left – 20 mm, all others – 10 mm; alignment – in width. The title of the article, the name, patronymic and surname of the author (co-authors), the name of the institution and a short annotation in English and the original language of the article are indicated in the center of the line. Illustrations should be clear, without small inscriptions both in the text, and added as separate files in jpg format. References to the sources used are in square brackets [3, p. 7]. The list of used sources “Literature” is drawn up in the APA style.

Files of articles should contain the surname of the author (or one of the co-authors), and the files of illustrations after the surname should contain a number: “… = pic-1”.

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the facts, citations and references, as well as for adherence to the requirements of scientific integrity. If the article does not correspond to the topic of the conference, it will be rejected.

Articles in the Collection are accepted in electronic form to the address of the editorial board before October 1:

More detailed information can be obtained by phones:
+ 38-050-304-30-33 + Viber (Alexander Nikolaevich Khvostichenko).

Dear Authors!

Your articles will be accepted by the editor and you will receive a notification about this within seven days.
If your article does not meet the formal criteria (subject of the collection or technical requirements for the design), you will also be informed about this no later than 7 days from the date of receipt of your materials in the editorial office.

All articles published in the collection undergo a two-stage peer review:

1st stage: Public discussion of the scientific results of the Authors at the meetings of the editorial board.

2nd stage: Works that have received a positive assessment at the 1st stage and a recommendation for publication in a scientific journal undergo bilateral blind (anonymous) peer review. The personal data of the author (s) is not disclosed to the reviewer, and the personal data of the reviewer is not disclosed to the author (s).

The editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief) determines a reviewer from the expert council or editorial council for an article submitted for publication. Additional external specialists are involved if necessary.

All reviewers are renowned experts with sufficient experience in their scientific field.

After an expert assessment of a scientific article, the reviewer can:
– to recommend an article for publication;
– to recommend the article for publication after revision by its author, taking into account the comments and wishes expressed;
– do not recommend the article for publication.

If the reviewer recommends the article for publication after its revision, taking into account the comments, or does not recommend the article for publication, the review indicates the reason for this decision.

To streamline and standardize the reviewing processes, the Editorial Board developed and approved:
– guidelines for conducting peer review;
– review form.

Scientific articles can be sent for additional reviewing. Reasons for re-reviewing may include:
– insufficient qualification declared by the expert in the issues that are considered in the scientific article;
– insufficiently high level of the primary expert opinion;
– acute controversial nature of the provisions expressed in the scientific article.

The reviewer sends the completed review to the editorial office by e-mail in the form of a scanned copy.

In case of refusal to publish an article, a reasoned refusal is sent to the authors with copies of reviews (unnamed, so as not to disclose information about the reviewer).

In case of positive reviews, the editorial board decides on the admission of your article to the publication in the Collection.
Your article will go to the technical editor to prepare for publication.
After the publication of the collection you will receive a link to the website of the Collection indicating the pages of your article.
At your request, you will be sent an article in pdf format in the form in which the article is posted in the Collection, or you can download it yourself from the Collection page.