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The author emphasizes the importance of social competence for ensuring the life success of an individual. The scientific works of foreign authors on this issue are analyzed. On the basis of their generalization, it is summarized that there is a certain connection between interpersonal relationships, academic achievements, success in the workplace and social skills.
Keywords: European Reference Framework, key competencies, personality, social competence, social skills.

Maynaev F. Y.
PhD in Pedagogy, history teacher,
Kharkiv Specialized School of I-III Degrees No. 87
Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv Region, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Approval of the European Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in 2006 by the European Parliament and the European Council showed that the education sector (and not only the European one) had reached a new level. As O. Lokshyna notes, the competence approach has become a philosophy that forms an innovative vision of education and the fundamental principles of its development [1, p. 21].

Undoubtedly, today the problem of forming a socially competent personality of different age categories is one of the most relevant in pedagogical science and practice, as evidenced by a number of studies by domestic and foreign researchers, including M. Eisenbarth, T. Vasyliuk, O. Gorbacheva, O. Hrybanova, S. Danileiko, I. Zarubinska, G. Kobernyk, O. Kononko, V. Kuzmenko, S. Matvienko, A. Mudryk, I. Nicolaescu, L. Pavlenko, S. Ostapenko, O. Protsenko, L. Rybalko, I. Sydoruk, A. Tadayeva, I. Trubavina, S. Sharov, O. Yurchenko, I. Yashchuk; R. Banerdzhik, K. Burman, P. Wellhofer, K. Wentzel, G. Gedwillien, S. Devi, T. Kang, M. Kaputi, L. Katz, K. Kemple, G. Ladd, F. Malik, D. Meichenbaum, L. Nongrum, P. Panwar, M. Portillo, S. Reitz, I. Xie, J. Fogat, H. Khan, S. Sharma, S. Shuja, M. Shure, and others.

Our goal is to analyze how foreign scholars define the impact of social competence on the life success of an individual and what studies are conducted in this regard.

Social competence can determine a person’s success and failure.

According to Supiyanto, Kumaidi, and Suryono, the lack of social skills in children causes social isolation, intimidation, and provokes aggression and antisocial behavior. At the same time, the formation of social skills helps to improve friendships and academic success [7, p. 2175]. The dependence of interpersonal problem-solving skills on social ones is also proved by other authors in their scientific works.

For example, K. Rubin concludes that social competence is a key aspect of child development and includes the initiation, building and maintenance of relationships with other people that are significant for the individual. According to him, the lack of social competence in a child results in maladjustment: aggressiveness, withdrawal, and rejection by peers [6].

Based on her research, K. Wentzel argues that there is a certain connection between social competence and academic achievement of young adolescents [9]. This opinion is in line with the findings of F. Malik and S. Shuja: those who study successfully and those who experience learning difficulties have significant differences in the formation of social competence [4].

According to P. Wellhofer, social competence as a key competence is necessary in almost all professions. He understands it as the ability to act responsibly in personal life, professional life, and public life [8].

J. Fogat and S. Davy consider social competence to be one of the main factors in achieving success in the workplace, because, in addition to relevant professional skills, a potential employee must be ready to work in a team and maintain positive, friendly relationships with others. Scientists identify such areas of social competence as healthy competition, leadership, respectability, cooperation, and responsiveness, which are undoubtedly important for career growth. J. Fogat and S. Davy summarize that there is a positive and significant correlation between the choice of future profession and social competence, and therefore it is necessary to teach students to be socially competent [5].

Thus, despite the disclosure of the problem of social competence formation in different scientific fields – philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, different methodological approaches to defining the concept of social competence, different visions of ways to form it, scientists agree that this key competence has a profound impact on a person’s personal and professional life, is important not only for achieving good results in education, but also for the formation of high moral virtues.

There is no doubt that the European Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2006) has had a significant impact on Ukrainian education and has prompted its reform.

The competency-based idea in national pedagogy has become a priority, has spread and culminated in the Law of Ukraine “On Education” (2017). All the competencies defined in it, which are in line with the founding document, are equally important and contribute equally to the self-realization of the individual and to ensuring his or her future success throughout life.

“All learners should reach their full potential,” reminds the updated European Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2018). This year marks the 300th anniversary of our philosopher, writer, and educator Hryhorii Savych Skovoroda. The great curmudgeon advised us to know ourselves, to find a job that helps us realize our own abilities, and to bring our work to the benefit of society.

Let’s think about it, aren’t the instructions of our famous countryman in tune with the ideas approved in the European Reference Framework? But is it possible to know oneself without “the ability to reflect on oneself” [3, p. 11], to fully realize one’s abilities without “the ability to effectively manage time and information” [ibid], to bring full benefit to society without “the ability to empathize and manage conflicts in an inclusive context of support” [ibid]?

Of course, the results obtained by foreign scientists are important and their experience should and must be studied and applied, because “whoever thinks about science, loves it, never stops learning, even if he or she seems to be inactive” [2]. At the same time, we should not forget about the highlights of Ukrainian pedagogy, because a seed grown in native soil is not only tastier but also healthier.

List of references

1. European Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning: updated vision 2018. Ukrainian Pedagogical Journal. 2019. № 3. С. 21-29.
2. Skovoroda G. S. Letters to M. I. Kovalynskyi. Ukrainian and world literature. URL: (accessed 07.10.2022).
3. Key competences for lifelong learning. URL: (accessed July 01, 2022).
4. Malik F., Shujja S. Social Competence and School Systems as Predictor of Academic Achievement in High and Low Achieving Pakistani School Children. Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 2013. Vol. 23, No. 1. URL: (accessed 01.07.2022).
5. Phogat J., Devi S. Career choices of school students in relation to their social competence. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR). 2021. Vol 8. No. 12. P. 18-22.
6. Rubin K. H. Interpersonal Problem-Solving and Social Competence in Children. URL: (accessed 07.10.2022).
7. Supianto, Kumaidi, Yoyon Suryono. Social Studies Teachers’ Difficulties in Assessing Social Skills. Universal Journal of Educational Research. 2020. Vol. 8, No. 5. P. 2175-2183.
8. Wellhöfer P. R. Schlüsselqualifikation Sozialkompetenz. URL: (accessed 07.10.2022).
9. Wentzel K. R. Relations between Social Competence and Academic Achievement in Early Adolescence. URL: (accessed July 01, 2022).