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The spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching of future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports is of great importance for their future professional activities. It takes into account the areas of work of coaches in the educational process, during educational, sports and mass events and participation of students in sports sections during the acquisition of sports skills. A fully developed coach educates the same athletes.
Keywords: psychological and pedagogical competencies, coach, upbringing, educational process.
Onishchuk L. M.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Poltava, Ukraine
Ostapov A. V.
Senior Lecturer,
National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Poltava, Ukraine
Spiritual and intellectual training and upbringing of future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports takes place in several vectors.
First of all, this process takes place during the acquisition of psychological and pedagogical competencies in the study of the educational components of the Educational and Professional Program “Physical Culture and Sports”. Secondly, during educational, sports and mass events, where communication skills are actively acquired. And thirdly, during participation in sports sections of the university (Children and Youth Sports School) in the chosen sport.
The purpose of the article is to study the spiritual and intellectual training and upbringing of future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports and the role of coaches in the educational process.
The psychological and pedagogical competencies of future coaches – students of specialty 017 “Physical Culture and Sports” are based on a clear understanding of the tasks that society puts forward to specialists in the field of physical culture and sports. In today’s conditions, they must not only provide sports training for the younger generation, but also comprehensively develop the personality of their students. This task can only be accomplished if the coach is a well-rounded personality.
Not every athlete is capable of achieving high sports results, but every child should grow up to be a conscious, patriotic, and well-rounded person. The dominant role is played by sports mentors – coaches, whose influence on a child in the future determines his or her future life path.
The sporting success of pupils of different types of children and youth sports schools depends on several factors. An important place among them is occupied by the professional skills of the coach. It consists of professional knowledge, skills, moral and volitional qualities of the coach’s personality, empathy, tolerance, communication skills, which largely determine the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical influences on students.
Every coach should be a good psychologist, because the current state of psychologists in sports does not meet the level of needs. There are no full-time psychologists in the CYSS, so these functions must be partially performed by the coach. To perform their future professional tasks efficiently, students must understand psychological and pedagogical processes and phenomena, and prepare in advance for the implementation of these tasks. There are several vectors in this activity:
— Formation of influences on the athlete’s psychological preparation, including for competitive activity, the foundations of psychomotor skills are formed (distinguish between general and special psychological preparation).
— Formation of influences on the psychological situation in the sports team, where the psychology of the sports team, the psychological climate of the sports team is formed.
— Self-analysis and self-actualization of the coach’s personality.
In today’s conditions, the role of psychology of physical education and sports should be noted, using the best practices of which it is possible to significantly improve sports results.
To do this, every specialist in physical education and sports should carry out:
– studying the psychological patterns of formation of sportsmanship and qualities necessary for participation in competitions in athletes and teams;
– development of psychologically sound integrated methods of training and preparation for competitions.
Any coach or physical education teacher is, first and foremost, a teacher who is called upon to solve problems related to the comprehensive development of students’ personalities. The educational functions of such a specialist are not limited to the management of physical education and the development of motor skills.
In order to successfully carry out the processes of education, training and development, a coach needs to have knowledge of socially determined human traits and personality characteristics. In the context of physical culture and sports, such pedagogical processes have their own characteristics.
Let’s highlight the main functions of a coach as a leader of a sports team or group:
– administrative and organizational, in compliance with the officially established rights and obligations, the coach directs and summarizes the individual actions of all members of the sports team or group;
– strategic, which are realized by setting goals, determining methods and means of achieving them. The results of high sports achievements should provide a creative approach to sports activities, the ability to generate new ideas and implement them in the system of training athletes, predict the final result of each team member’s achievement, quickly perceive significant amounts of information and master the latest technologies;
– planning, determination of general and specific tasks, time limits for their phased implementation and means of achievement;
– expert-consulting, the process of activity in the group involves the trainer as a team leader exercising the competence of a specialist, whose authority implies the reliability of the information coming from him/her;
– communicative, defining the trainer as a source of diverse information and effective communication at all professional levels;
– educational, the coach always provides educational influence along with other functions, participates in the formation and consolidation of positive personal qualities of athletes – members of the sports team and coaching staff;
– psychotherapeutic, analysis and consideration of the emotional state of the sports team members, elimination of conflicts and stressful conditions in its life and maintenance of a favorable psychological climate;
– representation, effective communication with the external social environment (representatives of other sports institutions and organizations, clubs, teams, managers, judges, etc.)
Pedagogical and psychological abilities and skills play a prominent role in the activities of any coach. Pedagogical aspects include:
– perceptual abilities – pedagogical observation, which gives an idea of the inner world of the athlete, allows to understand his/her condition, see changes in his/her character, correct negative manifestations and develop positive traits in the process of educational influences;
– constructive abilities – allow to successfully design and form a personality in a group of athletes, so that the coach can predict the achievements of his/her students and anticipate changes in their behavior in specific pedagogical situations;
– didactic abilities – provide effective teaching of the necessary knowledge, with a comprehensive consideration of the level of development of athletes, directions of stimulating their independence, attention, and volitional qualities;
– communication abilities – help to effectively perform the following functions during communication: informative (transmitting and receiving information); cognitive (searching for the necessary information for professional activity); managerial (ability to influence subordinates); developing (influence on the education of athletes and coaches of the necessary professional and personal qualities) and emotional (exchange of emotions, delegation of psychological states, etc;)
– organizational skills – aimed at ensuring the necessary components of athletes’ life, conditions of their training, competitions and recreation, improving technical and tactical qualities, maintaining a positive psychological atmosphere in the team, organizing the work of all services that accompany the team’s activities);
– special abilities, such as talent, ability to establish and maintain authority, observance of pedagogical tact, readiness for various situational challenges, optimism and good humor, necessary psychomotor abilities related to the level of psychophysical health of the coach, and gnostic abilities that determine the coach’s ability to improve himself, his ability to analyze phenomena and situations.
The effectiveness of the process of influence on the athlete occurs as a result of better mutual understanding, joint activity and the coach’s contribution to the life, personal and sports development of each athlete.
Thus, it can be noted that students acquire all of the above skills and abilities in the process of spiritual and intellectual education and upbringing. The main task of a higher education institution is to create a student-centered educational environment that provides an opportunity for personal growth for each participant in the educational process. A successful trainer, capable of self-realization, self-improvement and comprehensively developed, will cultivate the corresponding qualities in his/her students.
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