Views: 106
November 29, 2024
Dear colleagues!
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Spiritual and Intellectual Upbringing and Teaching in the XXI Century”, which will be held online on November 29, 2024.
The directions of the conference
- Theoretical foundations of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching.
- Methodology of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching.
- Psychological and acmeological issues of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching.
- Historical and comparative aspects of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching.
- Practice of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching.
Forms of participation in the conference: presentation of a report, sectional discussions, online master class, listening.
The working languages of the conference are Ukrainian, English, German (other languages are available upon request).
The conference will be held online. During the conference, an online chat will be available for communication and questions. The conference will be broadcasted via the official Youtube channel of the WSNOS.
The conference starts at 10.00 on November 29, 2024.
Participation in the conference is free. The fee for the publication of an article / theses is 150 UAH. Certificate of participation (in Ukrainian and English) – 20 UAH (without publication of the article). The conference program and conference proceedings in electronic form are sent to the participants free of charge.
The conference materials will be published in the periodical international collection “SPIRITUAL AND INTELLECTUAL UPBRINGING AND TEACHING OF YOUTH IN THE XXI CENTURY” ISSN 2708-4809. The collection is indexed in IndexCopernicus, GoogleScholar, posted in: SIUTY, WSNOS, IndexCopernicus, GoogleScholar, Scilit,. Each article receives a DOI.
Applications for participation in the conference are accepted until November 15, 2024 in the Google form at the link:
Articles for the collection are accepted until November 15, 2024 in electronic form on Google-drive at the following link:
or by e-mail to
All registered participants will receive invitations to participate in the conference by e-mail.
More detailed information can also be obtained by phone:
050-304-30-33 (Viber), Oleksandr Khvostychenko
Rules of publication design
Materials in Ukrainian, English and German are accepted for consideration: theses of 3-5 pages, articles of 7-15 pages, monograph chapters of 20-35 pages of A4 format (excluding illustrations), typed in Microsoft Word with the extension *doc, *docx. Margins: left, right, top, bottom – 2 cm. Text font – Times New Roman, size 12; paragraph indentation – 1.0; line spacing – 1.0; paragraph alignment by width.
Illustrations should be in color or black and white (gray), clear, without small inscriptions. They should be placed in the text and attached as separate files in .jpg format.
The file name of the materials should contain only the author’s (or one of the co-authors’) surname, and the file number of the illustrations should be after the surname: “Last name=fig-1.jpg”.
When typing the text, the following general rules should be observed: do not use tabs (except for lists); put only one space between words, do not leave empty paragraphs; distinguish between a hyphen (-), a short (-, Ctrl+Minus) and a long dash (-, Alt+0151); use paired quotation marks – “…”; the apostrophe should look like this – ‘.
The sequence of materials in the publication: section of the Collection, UDC, title of the article (bold); surname and initials and full name and patronymic of the author(s) (bold italics); academic degree, academic title (if any); position, place of work (study); educational institution (other), city in which it is located, country – all in English and then in Ukrainian; ORCID of the author (co-authors), contact phone number and e-mail address; abstract of at least 1800 characters without spaces and keywords in English and Ukrainian (italics), the text of the article (can be in two languages – English and Ukrainian), references in the text should be in square brackets, for example, [3, p. 56], where the first digit indicates the ordinal number in the list of references, and the second digit indicates the page number. Subheadings, key terms, and concepts may be highlighted in the text (bold, bold italics, italics).
The list of references (at least three, up to 10) in the order of reference should be drawn up in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and Documentation. Bibliographic references. General provisions and rules of compilation”.
A sample of the article is given below.
The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the facts, citations and references and for adherence to the principles of academic integrity. The editorial board will not consider materials that do not meet the above requirements and the topics of the sections or are submitted after the deadline, and reserves the right to select materials for publication in the collection.
All articles will be reviewed by a bilateral blind (anonymous) peer review process.
We wish you success, creativity and scientific inspiration in your work!
Sincerely, the Organizing Committee.
Sample of materials design
Section: 2. Methodology of spiritual and intellectual education and training
UDC: 378:004(043.3)
Acmeological Approach to the Problem of Spiritual and Intellectual Upbringing of Future Teachers
Tkachenko V. O., Viktor Olehovych
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy,
N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, м. Kharkiv, Ukraine
Акмеологічний підхід до проблеми духовно-інтелектуального виховання майбутніх учителів
Ткаченко В. О., Віктор Олегович
доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри філософії,
Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, м. Харків, Україна
ORCID: 0000-0001-8210-314X, тел. +38050-304-3033,
Анотація англійською мовою (ідентична українському варіанту).
Keywords: (4–6 слів англійською мовою).
Анотація українською мовою (не менше 1800 зн. без пробілів).
Ключові слова: (4–6 слів українською мовою).
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List of references / Список використаних джерел
- Babych V. P. Thoughtfulness as a key to mastering the art of life-creation. Spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching of youth in the XXI century: international periodical collection of scientific papers / edited by O.M. Khvostychenko. Kharkiv: WSNOS, 2023. Issue 5, pp. 14-20. DOI:
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