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The article reveals such concepts as: “spirituality” and “spiritual culture”, raises issues of training future teachers of art disciplines, their communication, reveals the importance of vocal art for the professional development and formation of moral and aesthetic values of the teacher. Particular attention is paid to sacred music as an inexhaustible source of positive influence on the individual.
Keywords: spiritual culture, artistic disciplines, teacher, personality.

Tkachenko T. V.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Kharkiv National University of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevsky, Kharkiv, Ukraine


The issue of fostering a person’s spiritual culture has always been and remains the focus of attention of scientists and practitioners. Spiritual culture is understood as the rich inner world of a person, the presence of cognitive, aesthetic and moral qualities that manifest themselves in both professional and spiritual activities.

Vernadsky also emphasized that the spiritual world of a person is of great importance, corresponds to its highest manifestations and influences the attitude towards others, nature and art [1].

In general, the concept of “spiritual culture” is multifaceted and ambiguous. By spiritual culture we also mean a specific quality of a person that determines his or her behavior. Future art teachers are extremely creative and talented people. With this in mind, the task of the teacher is to assist the future art teacher. In the educational process, the teacher passes on a part of his or her soul and heart to the student. The richer the teacher’s spiritual culture, the more powerful his or her influence on the student.

The depth of the teacher’s spiritual culture is determined by the level of formation of his/her universal culture, acquired professional knowledge and skills, tactful behavior and spirituality [2].

Considering the essence of the spiritual culture of future art teachers, it is advisable to address the problems of communication and the ability to organize it. Communication for the teacher is the environment in which he organizes the educational process. In particular, I. Kolmohortseva rightly believes that the ability to communicate is a professionally significant quality of a teacher. This opinion is supported by V. Grekhnev [2, p. 19].

In general, the list of the most important qualities necessary for interpersonal relationships was determined by the famous Polish scientist E. Melibruda. The expert refers to such qualities as:

— the ability to see the world through the prism of others;
— The ability to demonstrate to others one’s friendly attitude
— The ability to be frank in relationships;
— rejection of conventional wisdom and willingness to answer questions clearly
— The ability to be active and not wait for others to do so;
— honesty, openness and a clear position;
— Sincerity and willingness to demonstrate your inner world;
— absence of fear, willingness to accept the views of another without imposing one’s own opinions, willingness to compromise for the sake of establishing sincere relationships [4].

As is well known, music is an important indicator of a person’s spiritual world; it expresses their emotional state without any explanation. Especially during a concert, lyrical music acts as a mental self-regulator and has a positive effect on the human psyche.

H. Skovoroda also emphasized that a person cannot live without spiritual and lyrical music. The teacher emphasized that human happiness does not lie in ranks, but in the heart and work [5, p. 76]. H. Skovoroda highly valued folk songs, attached great importance to them in the formation of the spiritual culture of the individual.

F. Dostoevsky rightly emphasized that the knowledge of God is a reliable path to moral, spiritual, and creative growth of the individual. The study of church texts contributes to the formation of the spiritual culture of future art teachers. The primary source of spirituality is prayer, which is the breath of the soul, its energy. Prayer protects, heals, and acts as a human energy code.

According to experts, religious genres that contribute to the formation of a person’s spiritual culture include masses performed during Catholic worship and Orthodox liturgies. The miniature also serves as a prayer in vocal (non-temple) music. Works of this kind include: O. Varlamov’s “Prayer”, S. Rachmaninoff’s “Christ is Risen”, “Before the Icon”, “Prayer”, P. Tchaikovsky “Death”, “Legend” and others.

Musical prayers are divided into the following types: prayer-complaint, prayer-request, prayer-glorification. It is through prayer that the spiritual world of a person changes. Spiritual prayer and lyrical music act as a mental self-regulator, positively affecting the performer’s psyche. Confirmation of these thoughts is found in the work of V. Draganchuk “Music Psychology and Therapy” [3]. In particular, the author notes:

“In one’s own consciousness, unconscious mechanisms of the psyche are activated, which allow the musician to find exactly the solution that creates the most powerful artistic effect” [3, p. 156].

Scientists pay special attention to the influence of such negative qualities as vanity and swearing on the formation of the spiritual culture of the future teacher of artistic disciplines. Scientists rightly emphasize that profanity is unacceptable for an educated, cultured, and creative person. Unfortunately, modern youth are very prone to using profanity. This widespread phenomenon in society has a great impact on the formation of a person’s spiritual culture. It is especially dangerous when this person is young in age.

Even during the reigns of Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, corporal punishment was applied to people who used profanity. They were punished with whips. Given the history, the task of the teacher is to explain and make the younger generation aware of the horror of such acts, especially for students, future teachers, as carriers of spiritual culture.

Swearing is mud for others, causes pain and suffering to those who cannot bear it, spoils the mood and soul, affects the consciousness and subconscious of a person, inspires bad thoughts, sows evil, and significantly affects the formation of the moral core of a person. Such bad words penetrate the human soul and sow moral dirt in it.

When working with future art teachers, a teacher influences students with his or her own experience and example. It is well known that students’ love for a teacher leads to their interest in the subject they teach. In view of this, a teacher needs to be extremely tactful, correct, attentive, polite, greet students with a smile, and teach them to constantly improve their talent, which further contributes to their professionalism and success.

Thus, in the process of forming the spiritual culture of future art teachers, it is necessary, first of all, to rely on their spiritual experience, not to forget to take into account, especially in the classes of the art cycle, the spiritual traditions of Orthodoxy and the use of lyrical music.

List of references

1. Selected scientific works of academician Vernadsky. Vol. 1. Book 1. Institute of History of Ukraine. Kyiv: NBUI Printing House, 2011. 584 с.
2. Formation of pedagogical culture of the future teacher (theoretical and methodological aspect). Kharkiv: KHARKIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, 1998.
3. Draganchuk V. Musical Psychology and Therapy: a textbook for students majoring in Musical Art. Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 2016. 230 с.
4. Melibruda E. I-Thou-My Psychological possibilities of improving communication. Kyiv, 1986.
5. Skovoroda H. Selected works in Ukrainian translations: in 12 volumes. Kharkiv: Morning, 2009. Vol. 1. 240 p.