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The article reveals the essence of the concept of spiritual and moral education of the individual. The views of Chinese and Ukrainian scholars on the definition of the pedagogical potential of music as a means of spiritual and moral education of the individual are analyzed. Recommendations for more active use of music by teachers in educational activities are formulated.
Keywords: music, means, spiritual and moral education, China, Ukraine.
Wang Yan
is a third (educational and scientific) level of higher education,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
The contradictory development of modern society causes the emergence of various negative phenomena in the youth environment. In this regard, the relevance of the problem of moral and spiritual education, which is a pedagogically organized process aimed at ensuring that children and youth master spiritual and moral laws, internalize universal and national values, and form their moral and spiritual qualities, is significantly increasing. As it was discovered in primitive times, music is an effective means of spiritual and moral education. However, in today’s conditions of technologization of all spheres of society, the relevance of this problem is growing significantly, and as a result, there is a need to rethink the possibilities of using music in educational work.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the views of Chinese and Ukrainian scholars on determining the pedagogical potential of music as a means of spiritual and moral education of the individual, to reveal the role of music in education and to provide recommendations for more active use of music by teachers in educational activities.
In the process of scientific research, it was found that the problem of using music as a means of moral and spiritual education of the individual is the focus of attention of many Chinese and Ukrainian scholars. In order to enable mutual enrichment of scientific achievements in this area, it is advisable to analyze and compare the relevant developments of researchers in China and Ukraine.
Thus, the Chinese scientific literature emphasizes that moral and spiritual education is a backbone component in the system of personal education. However, it is known that ancient Chinese philosophy (Confucianism) emphasized the unity and interconnection of morality, spirituality and music. In particular, it was argued that it is with the help of music that a just social order is maintained, the requirement to achieve harmony in society as a reflection of harmony in the world is realized [1; 2].
Respecting their national traditions, Chinese youth are generally characterized by a high level of moral education. However, as a result of intensive economic reforms, the implementation of the policy of openness of Chinese society and shifts in its social structure, not only positive but also some negative changes have occurred in its condition. For example, there is a lack of compliance with etiquette, a lack of friendliness, honesty and morality in the relationships of some young people. This requires intensifying the work of teachers in the field of moral and spiritual education of the younger generation [1; 2].
Chinese scholars emphasize that the spiritual and moral education of the individual should be carried out not through moralizing, but by involving him or her in various types of socially useful practical activities, expanding and enriching its methods, forms and content. In this regard, music has a significant pedagogical potential, because the perception and performance of musical works contribute to the formation of “the moral image of people in accordance with the requirements of the time,” a fuller sense of beauty in the world around them as “the realm of truth, goodness and beauty expressed through music,” and the development of the emotional and moral and spiritual sphere of a person [2].
Xu Bing also clarifies that involving children and youth in music allows not only to organize their cultural leisure, but also to get rid of their sense of loneliness, to intensify the development of the intellectual and emotional spheres of the individual, and to form the best spiritual and moral qualities in them: spirituality, honesty, humanity, responsibility to themselves, close people, and in general to their people and homeland [1].
In the light of the above, the idea of the need to expand the boundaries of music education, which should be organized not only for musically talented children, but also for all students of preschool, secondary and higher education, was formulated in modern China. This idea is gradually being put into practice.
As the study found, Ukrainian scholars have expressed many valuable thoughts on this issue. For example, S. Chepiga emphasizes that music, occupying a prominent place in the system of arts, provides a comprehensive impact on the development of general mental properties (thinking, attention, imagination, memory), physiological mechanisms, emotional and moral spheres of the individual. Music plays a special role in the process of educating a person’s spiritual sensitivity, mastering moral and aesthetic ideals and spiritual values, activating his or her formation as a humane and comprehensively developed personality [4, p. 154].
The ability of members of society to perceive and create music implies that they have mastered the norms of aesthetic culture, which, in turn, are related to beauty, perfection, harmony, humanity and other axiological priorities of society. In light of this, musical culture should be perceived as an organic part of the general spiritual culture of mankind [1, p. 157].
Y. Solovey draws attention to the fact that music helps each person to identify and develop the ability to experience complex feelings and their moral strength, fosters faith in life on the basis of beauty, enriches the intellect and feelings. Therefore, the involvement of the individual in the world of music should be linked to the development of spirituality as one of the most important priorities in education [3, p. 121].
It has been established that Ukraine does not have ambitious plans to organize compulsory music education for all, but the country pays considerable attention to the issue of music education of the younger generation. For example, children of all ages are compulsorily involved in music at appropriate music classes in kindergartens and at music lessons in general secondary education institutions. Musically talented students, depending on their age, can study at music schools, colleges or conservatories, attend music clubs and studios.
Thus, the conclusions of Chinese and Ukrainian scholars are largely in agreement that music is an effective means of spiritual and moral education, but today its educational potential is not fully realized. Therefore, there is an urgent need for teachers to use music more actively in their educational activities, to search for and implement new methods and forms of work based on its application to increase the level of moral and spiritual education of the individual.
List of references
1. 许冰来源. (2019). 传统音乐教育如何传承 “乐感 “文化. URL: (accessed: 10.11.2022).
2. 音乐教育中融入思想道德教育的探析 2016. URL: (accessed: 10.11.2022).
3. Solovey Y.G. Music in the spiritual development of the individual. Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology. 2015. Issue 1 (1). С. 121-125.
4. Chepiga S.G. The focus of musical education on the formation of moral and aesthetic qualities of the individual. 1025th anniversary of the history of education in Ukraine: traditions, modernity and prospects : collection of materials. International scientific conference (Kyiv, May 22, 2014). Kyiv, 2014. С. 154-164.
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