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The article characterizes new trends in the development of the theory and practice of education and upbringing of youth in Ukraine, defines the role of a synergistic approach to the spiritual and moral upbringing of youth.
Keywords: synergistic approach, educational institution, youth, personality, creative activity, upbringing paradigm, educational space.

Doroshenko H. Ye.
primary school teacher of Kharkiv secondary school № 57, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Scientific and technological progress, new technologies in science, economics and education are the background against which social development of the individual takes place, which, unfortunately, does not keep pace with technological development. Therefore, the problem of finding new promising approaches is urgent, especially in the content, forms and methods of education and upbringing. At the same time, every level of education needs attention, and the idea of humanization should be the basis for organizing its activities. An analysis of the current state of Ukrainian society suggests the need for fundamentally new approaches to the organization of educational work, especially among young people, who will form the core of the Ukrainian people in the near future.

Researchers are studying various aspects of the organization of education and upbringing of young people in Ukraine and abroad. The synergistic approach, the development of education from the standpoint of synergetics is interpreted by such scholars as: M. Kudrya, R. Belanova, V. Kvas, H. Nesterenko, O. Robul, and others.

The purpose of the article is to analyze new trends in the development of the theory and practice of education and upbringing of young people in Ukraine; the possibilities of the ideas of a synergistic approach to improving the process of education and upbringing in accordance with the modern requirements of society.

The humanistic idea of reforming education, which is embodied in a personality-oriented model of education and upbringing, dictates new guidelines in content, forms and methods. According to R. Belanova, “the acquisition of human essence by a person is the main problem of pedagogy” [2, p. 8]. If we agree with this statement, then a modern teacher must first of all understand his or her spiritual world in order to have the right to educate his or her students in the ideals of truth, beauty, and goodness. In our opinion, the education of students’ spiritual needs and ideals is directly related to the content, methods and forms of education from the standpoint of a synergistic approach.

The main goal of the Ukrainian education system, according to the National Doctrine of Education Development of Ukraine in the XXI century, is “to create conditions for the development and self-realization of each person as a citizen of Ukraine, to form generations capable of lifelong learning, to create and develop the values of civic education” [4]. Today, there are many studies of the idea of self-development, self-education, and self-improvement of the individual in terms of individualization and differentiation of learning.

Synergetics is one of the newest scientific areas that can be considered a leading field of interdisciplinary research that extends to all spheres of public life. Modern scientific research proves that the synergetic paradigm contributes to a deep understanding of such complex nonlinear open systems as society and its various subsystems, including education and training.

Scientists believe that the synergy methodology fundamentally changes the way we look at the educational process. According to the synergistic approach in pedagogy, self-organizing systems are a student, a teacher, their relationships, etc. In view of this, V. Kvas defines the concept of learning as a process of interaction, cooperation between teachers and students aimed at mastering a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities. Other elements of learning (means, methods, forms) arise as a result of the interaction of the main components, and therefore are a “didactic superstructure” [3, p. 127].

Thus, from the point of view of the synergistic approach, the main structural elements (systems) of education are the content of education and the activities (interaction, cooperation) of teachers and students.

Expanding the possibilities of self-realization of teachers in the educational process and beyond it leads to the following consequences of the introduction of a synergistic approach to the organization of the educational process: cooperation with students and dialogic forms of teaching create the prerequisites for the professional growth of the teacher himself, contributing to the acquisition of new knowledge not only from colleagues but also from the younger generation; implementation of the synergistic model of higher education increases the responsibility of the teacher for future specialists, and through them for the future of society; innovation

Exploring the problem of introducing a synergistic paradigm of education, I would like to focus on the features of the synergistic approach in both teaching and education.

The synergistic approach is a unique opportunity for teachers and students to develop their thinking and creativity; it is a new level of knowledge quality, where the main thing is not the transfer of knowledge and experience, but the ability to replenish knowledge, navigate the system of information knowledge, and the ability to self-education.

For the university educational system, it is important to organize a new type of social relations between all participants in the educational process, which involves cooperation, co-creation, mutual assistance based on a synergistic approach.

The analysis of the scientific literature on the research topic makes it possible to create a theoretical model of the higher education system based on a synergistic approach, the end result of which will be socially active, creative specialists capable of self-improvement, freedom of choice and action, and self-responsibility. Taking into account the provisions of the synergistic approach to teaching students makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of training future specialists. The synergistic approach to education is also about learning that stimulates or awakens, the main problem of which is how to push the student to one of their own and favorable ways of development, how to ensure self-directed and self-supported development [5, p. 28].

It is known that the synergistic approach to education has developed on the basis of the theory of self-organization of complex systems. The term “synergy” was coined by H. Hacken and defined as a science that studies systems consisting of a large number of parts, components, and subsystems that interact in a complex way. Why is this philosophical paradigm, realized by modern mathematics, physics, and biology, no less actively perceived by the national theory of education?

According to scientists, the synergistic approach puts the teacher in the conditions of a non-linear understanding of the educational process, recognizing the openness of the educational system. A characteristic feature of the synergistic approach to education is the recognition of the possibility of several ways of personal transformation and a leapfrog way out of a critical, unstable educational situation. For example, A. Makarenko used in his practice strikingly unexpected situations that caused strong feelings in his students, a struggle of motives, and a sharp change in their attitude towards themselves and the environment. The synergistic view of education explains the phenomenality of the “explosion method”. If pedagogical interaction is far from “branching” or choice, then there is a purely external, quantitative change in the behavior and activities of students.

Near the bifurcation point, even a short-term, fleeting pedagogical interaction can radically change the value and motivational system of the student’s personality, so education should create an opportunity for him to choose an action or deed [5; 6].

Society needs a concept of education that would meet modern ideas about the trends in the development of interaction between participants in the educational process, including in higher education; it could be an important theoretical component of such a field of pedagogical knowledge as education.

Thus, the new trends in the development of the theory and practice of teaching and upbringing indicate that the educational process should be considered as the main one along with the educational process. At the present stage of development of pedagogical science, the concept of synergism in education is intensively developing, and its ideas are widely used in the educational space, when pedagogical systems begin to be analyzed from the point of view of the synergistic theory of self-organization. Today, there is an urgent need for a fundamental scientific development of a model for improving the quality of education, which, along with its content, should include modern approaches to teaching and upbringing.

List of references

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