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The mental values of the individual are considered as the internal state of a person, oriented to the moral norms of coexistence in society, ethical rules of behavior and a careful attitude towards oneself and another person. Factors affecting the human development of mental values have been identified. The potential possibilities of the means of animation design, its influence on the formation of mental values of the individual in the modern world are revealed.
Keywords: mentality, values, morality, ethics, designer, animation, media design, motion industry.
Tsui Keke
is a third (educational and scientific) level of higher education,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
The uniqueness of the topic of mastering the spiritual values of the individual by means of animation design in the process of training future specialists in higher education institutions is due to the fact that there is a combination of the artistic component of higher education content with computer technologies.
The artistic component of higher education is the basis for the formation of human spiritual values. In our understanding, spiritual values are the inner state of a person, filled with the meaning of life and permeated with moral factors of his or her behavior and specific activities. According to T. Panko [6], spirituality is connected with artistic and pedagogical education of a person, it develops due to systematicity, visuality, pictoriality, spatiality, and clarity. The artistic component forms artistic values, ideas, images, aesthetic tastes, guidelines, ideals, and develops creative potential according to the laws of beauty.
The topic under study is relevant because it is aimed at resolving the contradiction between filling the educational space with new information technologies, and in this regard, new specialties, and the needs of spiritual education of young people, preservation of national traditions, and development of a stable attitude to humanism and goodness. The expansion of computer capabilities allows people to explore new horizons of professional self-realization, enrich their own spiritual world and harmonize in society. An animation designer is an example of not only a passion for novelty, but also the realization of new ways of creative development. This specialty attracts young people, and its products make a good impression of “media breakthroughs”, in the full sense of self-transcendence of the inner forces of a person.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the idea of mastering the spiritual values of the individual in the professional training of future animation designers.
It is valuable that the scientist O. Vdovina [1] considers design to be a means of influencing the formation of value orientations of young people who are on the verge of material and spiritual culture. Therefore, we are convinced that this combination is modern, appropriate and promising. This is due to the fact that design is like a mirror that reflects time, era, country, traditions, and language culture. And it is also important, as the quoted researcher convinces us, that design is a means of interactive communication and communication between people of different nationalities, languages, political beliefs, gender, places of residence, age, and education. Information is perceived by all people, discussed, used in education and production, in wide spheres of life.
According to scientists [2; 6], the animation school in China appeared in the 20s of the twentieth century and “grew” into the field of animation art.
It is interesting that the Chinese animation school has advantages in forming a person’s visual thinking as an idea of morality, beauty, aesthetics, and simple things, but their content is aesthetically rich. In our opinion, spirituality as a human trait should be understood in a broader sense, and this visual thinking is one of the mechanisms for mastering human spiritual values through animation.
Currently, the training of animation designers is a priority in China, which is due, on the one hand, to production needs, and on the other hand, to the aspirations of the younger generation to be self-sufficient specialists and citizens of the country through the disclosure of creative potential in their professional activities.
However, in our opinion, when outlining the main tasks of the artistic component of the One Belt, One Road initiative, the construction of a cultural space should include, first of all, spirituality and high morality at a generally accepted level in society. So let’s try to combine spirituality and animation design tools.
Animation design tools are external factors of positive influence on the self-realization of future professionals and mechanisms for mastering spiritual values (awareness, understanding, perception, realization). The means of animation design include the means of expression (color, font, format, composition, text content).
It is well known that spiritual values make up the meaning of life as a state of conscious moral satisfaction with the results of life plans and strategies, recognition and preservation of national traditions and customs. The meaning of life is a high level of self-realization of a person who harmoniously combines the internal and external, constantly enriches himself with new useful activities. The meaning of life is established when a person is fascinated by new ideas and areas of professional activity.
Animation design is an example of how this field of activity is spreading and, not exclusively, becoming a meaning of life for a person. Animation design is a visual design for videos, television, and movies using computer technology. In the study of Dai Zheng [2], animation design is considered as a type of synthetic audio-visual art, and its essential features are the creation of three-dimensional and planar images of the object-real or conditional world, the use of computer technology, the inclusion of elements of fine art to aestheticize its products, the use of motion design techniques, the promotion of the positive aspects of multimedia design and its practical significance in modern educational settings.
One of the responsibilities of an animation designer is to promote the spiritual growth of a person who uses his or her products. The scientific literature [1-6] lists the competencies of animation designers as the ability to design and model an environment in which it is pleasant to be, albeit visually, to learn new information, to include associative thinking and reflection, to feel calm and satisfied.
Of course, such a specialist needs to learn how to design and construct compositions, rhythm, color, animation character, drama, sounds, and character design to be competitive in the labor market. Creating an artistic animated image requires creative skills and a lot of creativity. No wonder, the Department of Multimedia Design at the KhSAIA [5] teaches the basics of composition, shaping and project graphics, the features of working in professional computer programs, screen typography, designing multimedia objects, the basics of classical and experimental animation, 3D modeling, website development, and digital photography. By the way, graduates have the opportunity to work as motion designers of animated advertising, infographics, book trailers, promotional products; to engage in classical and three-dimensional types of animation, computer game design, web design, 3D mapping design, etc. A motion designer invents a concept, protects the idea, makes 3D, animation.
In her study, N. Derevyanko defines the concept of “media design” as “artistic and technical design and presentation of information based on the ergonomic operation of information sources, functionality of information presentation, aesthetics of visual forms of its presentation and psychological criteria for human perception” [3, p. 83].
The connection between spiritual education and the profession of designer is found in the scientific work of L. Avas, which affirms the idea of the worldview and creative design thinking of the individual, ideals and meaning of life.
“The further professional activity of a designer relies on the subject’s awareness of the understanding of design as: a means of shaping a lifestyle; a means of education; a means of nature conservation; a means of caring for human health and comfort; a presentation of a person; a regulator of needs; a means of shaping the aesthetic taste of society; a means of forecasting and modeling; a means of building concepts, inventing ideas, destroying stereotypes of thinking, overcoming contradictions in existing problems” [4, p. 15].
Thus, the spiritual values of a personality are an internal state of a person focused on the moral norms of coexistence in society, ethical rules of behavior and careful attitude to oneself and to another person. The means of animation design are attributed to the factors influencing the formation of spiritual values of the individual in the modern world.
A promising direction of research is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the influence of animation design tools on the formation of spiritual values of an individual.
List of references
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