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The article deals with the peculiarities of self-educational activity of a modern teacher. The orientation of pedagogical self-education is characterized. The results of a study of 60 teachers on the reflection of their own pedagogical activity and the manifestation of pedagogical actions that reflect the content of their professional and pedagogical culture are presented. The principles of organizing self-education, which are implemented in practice, are determined.
Keywords: self-education, teachers, professional and pedagogical culture, personality-oriented education.
Nebytova I. A.
Doctor of Philosophy,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
The development of the problem of professional and pedagogical self-education in recent decades has been enriched by a large number of studies and practical recommendations that define the content, principles, forms and methods of self-education.
Teacher’s pedagogical self-education involves independent mastery of a set of pedagogical values, technologies, and creativity. Its content is formed by psychological, pedagogical and special knowledge, mastery of the basics of scientific organization of pedagogical work and general culture.
The methodological literature emphasizes the need to know the needs, demands and interests of the individual in the field of professional activity. In order to provide teachers with real help in organizing self-education, specially organized methodological work at school is usually built around the individual needs of teachers. In this case, the teacher, participating in collective forms of in-service training, finds answers to questions of interest [4, p. 10].
The organization of methodological work takes into account the most typical difficulties of the teacher in building a holistic pedagogical process.
Undoubtedly, a joint discussion of the problems that concern each teacher stimulates his/her self-educational activity.
The self-education of each teacher is based on the knowledge of mental work techniques and individual characteristics of intellectual activity. Teacher’s self-education depends on the ability to organize their time, make an individual plan of self-education and implement it.
N. Drank’s research has shown that teachers begin to intensively engage in self-education when the school organizes scientific, practical and research activities of the entire teaching staff, and it is then that practical methods become a stimulant in the field of self-education [2, p. 28].
Creative study of other people’s experience, search for new methodological ideas, methods and techniques, analysis and generalization of own experience, highly effective, creative solution of professional and pedagogical tasks based on the recommendations of science and effective pedagogical practice – all this is the basis of teacher self-education.
Н. Verchenko notes that teacher’s professional self-education is a type of creative pedagogical activity, in the course of which the teacher, as well as in his/her practical activity, solves certain pedagogical tasks that are analytically distinguished from the general functional system of professional and pedagogical activity for special study. By their nature, these tasks are research, and they are based on the pedagogical problem of creative transformation of the educational process. The teacher solves these general tasks through a system of daily, professional and pedagogical tasks that arise in specific situations in the educational process [1, p. 129].
Self-education covers a wide range of issues, but the focus of pedagogical self-education should be on the study of such problems that teachers have not yet encountered, but which are relevant to the modern school.
The development of the problem of professional and pedagogical self-education in recent decades has been enriched by a large number of studies and practical recommendations that define the content, principles, forms and methods of self-education.
Teacher’s pedagogical self-education involves independent mastery of a set of pedagogical values, technologies, and creativity. Its content is formed by psychological, pedagogical and special knowledge, mastery of the basics of scientific organization of pedagogical work and general culture.
The methodological literature emphasizes the need to know the needs, demands and interests of the individual in the field of professional activity. In order to provide teachers with real help in organizing self-education, specially organized methodological work at school is usually built around the individual needs of teachers. In this case, the teacher, participating in collective forms of in-service training, finds answers to questions of interest [4, p. 10].
The organization of methodological work takes into account the most typical difficulties of the teacher in building a holistic pedagogical process.
Undoubtedly, a joint discussion of the problems that concern each teacher stimulates his/her self-educational activity.
The self-education of each teacher is based on the knowledge of mental work techniques and individual characteristics of intellectual activity. Teacher’s self-education depends on the ability to organize their time, make an individual plan of self-education and implement it.
N. Drank’s research has shown that teachers begin to intensively engage in self-education when the school organizes scientific, practical and research activities of the entire teaching staff, and it is then that practical methods become a stimulant in the field of self-education [2, p. 28].
Creative study of other people’s experience, search for new methodological ideas, methods and techniques, analysis and generalization of own experience, highly effective, creative solution of professional and pedagogical tasks based on the recommendations of science and effective pedagogical practice – all this is the basis of teacher self-education.
Н. Verchenko notes that teacher’s professional self-education is a type of creative pedagogical activity, in the course of which the teacher, as well as in his/her practical activity, solves certain pedagogical tasks that are analytically distinguished from the general functional system of professional and pedagogical activity for special study. By their nature, these tasks are research, and they are based on the pedagogical problem of creative transformation of the educational process. The teacher solves these general tasks through a system of daily, professional and pedagogical tasks that arise in specific situations in the educational process [1, p. 129].
Self-education covers a wide range of issues, but the focus of pedagogical self-education should be on the study of such problems that teachers have not yet encountered, but which are relevant to the modern school.
Such problems that form the basis of pedagogical self-education may include the problems of pedagogical communication, individualization and differentiation of learning, modular learning, and the peculiarities of learning in new type schools. Also important is the block of problems related to the formation of students’ scientific outlook, their spiritual culture, civic and patriotic education, etc.
In the course of our study, we offered teachers to reflect on their pedagogical activities and evaluate the nature of pedagogical actions that reflect the content of their professional and pedagogical culture. The study involved 60 teachers from Okhtyrka secondary school No. 1 of the Okhtyrka City Council of Sumy Oblast.
By combining the “5” and “4” ratings given by the teachers for specific pedagogical actions, we got a rather optimistic picture. Almost all teachers rated the following actions with 5 and 4 points:
— always protect the rights and interests of students
— I show kindness and care to students;
— I have special knowledge of the subject.
The majority of teachers believe that they constantly analyze causes and consequences in students’ behavior (75%), know how to assess students’ learning achievements (70%), choose and use new educational technologies (80%), and are interested in scientific literature (80%).
Undoubtedly, these are high indicators of teachers’ pedagogical culture development that characterize the level of their psychological and pedagogical competence. But how objective are they?
To get a more complete picture of the degree of teachers’ readiness to work in the paradigm of personality-oriented education, we conducted an additional study of the nature of difficulties in their work, based on a holistic model of teacher’s pedagogical culture as a unity of humanistic pedagogical values, ways of working and professional behavior.
The teachers of the school carried out a self-analysis of their activities and determined the degree of difficulties in various types of pedagogical activities.
Thus, along with the traditional pedagogical activities for teachers (determining goals and objectives of pedagogical activity; training in the field of their subject; thematic planning; preparation of individual educational programs; differentiated approach to teaching), we included the following components of pedagogical activity that determine the specifics of personality-oriented education:
— mastering modern conceptual ideas in the field of education and upbringing;
— emphasizing value aspects in the content of education
— Supporting students’ interests and abilities;
— teaching students methods of personal development;
— teaching students methods of self-analysis, self-evaluation, and self-control;
— support of activity and creativity in students’ activities;
— use of pedagogical technologies on a dialogic, personal and semantic, problem-based basis, etc.
A study of the literature and practice of organizing self-educational activities proves that the most common forms of teachers’ self-education are advanced training courses, methodological workshops at school, exchange of experience through attending classes of other teachers in their school and district, discussion of special pedagogical and psychological literature; preparation for certification, scientific and practical conferences, generalization of own work experience and its presentation in publications; development of information technologies of education and upbringing [3, p. 10-11].
Based on the study of theoretical and practical experience, we can draw conclusions about the principles of organizing self-education, which are implemented in practice:
— a systematic approach to planning and organizing self-education;
— consistency and continuity in the formation of self-education skills
— connection of self-education with practical activity, combination of scientific and theoretical training with mastering the skills and abilities necessary for pedagogical activity
— voluntary nature of self-education and purposeful management of this process, i.e., correspondence of the content of self-education to the level of teacher’s training, interests and inclinations.
Thus, the self-education of a modern teacher is based on the individual characteristics of his/her own intellectual activity. The main task of self-education is to ensure that the personal, general and professional culture of the teacher develops at an accelerated pace and meets the new requirements of the education system.
List of references
1. Verchenko N. Self-educational activity of a teacher in the intercourse period. New pedagogical thought. 2008. № 4. С. 127-130.
2. Dranka N. Self-education of a pedagogical worker. Extracurricular activities. 2014. № 9 (93). С. 27-31.
3. Model of pedagogical guidance of teachers’ self-educational activity in the system of methodological management. School management. 2004. № 11. С. 10-11.
4. Self-education of a teacher as a condition for improving his/her professional competence: methodological recommendations. RIPO, 2012. С. 10-11.
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