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The article reveals the essence of the concepts of “environment” and “educational environment”. The features of the formation of an effective educational environment are highlighted: systematic and consistent, dynamic, focus on the development and self-development of all subjects of the educational process. The stages of formation of the educational environment are defined: diagnostics, design, analysis of results.
Keywords: environment, educational environment, features of the formation of the educational environment.
Kin O. M.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Sobchenko T. M.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
In today’s context of modernization and radical renewal of the education system, the issue of creating an effective educational environment is of particular importance. An effective educational environment creates conditions for the training of a highly qualified, competitive specialist, a fully developed, intellectual personality, ensures the optimal use of all pedagogical capabilities, methodological tools, and ties of pedagogical interaction, so the study of issues related to this concept is relevant and influential on the quality of education.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concepts of “environment“, “educational environment“, and the features and stages of forming an effective educational environment.
For a better understanding of the essence and content of the concept of “educational environment”, it is advisable to dwell in more detail on the concept of “environment“, which is the basic one. As E. Zaredinova notes in her study, the environment is what surrounds the individual, through which its development takes place and determines the way of life [2, p. 39]. According to O. Dubaseniuk, the environment is a complex, dynamic system consisting of socio-cultural subjects that interact with each other and mutually influence each other in terms of meaning, content, and nature [1, p. 307].
Scientific and pedagogical sources distinguish between macro environment (general social, economic, cultural, intellectual environment of an individual, nature of social relations, activities and status of social institutions) and micro environment (immediate area of communication and activity of an individual: family, reference group, team) [1; 3].
It should be noted that the issues of the environment have been thoroughly developed and comprehensively studied in scientific and pedagogical theory and practice, and scientists have identified and clearly defined the features of the environment:
– absence of time and space restrictions;
– simultaneous and systematic impact on the emotional, sensual, cognitive sphere of the individual;
– complexity and multi-level information;
– a large amount of information that far exceeds the capabilities of human perception;
– influence is actualized through direct activity, communication, interaction of the individual [2; 4; 5; 6].
The educational environment is understood as a specially organized pedagogically appropriate set of influences, conditions that ensure the realization of the needs, interests, abilities, inclinations of the individual and determine his or her development [2; 4].
The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature allowed us to identify the features of the formation of an effective educational environment:
1. Systematic and consistent. The educational environment cannot be created spontaneously, arbitrarily, it requires special, purposeful organization, design, systematic activity, management to ensure the life and successful functioning of the environment. An effective educational environment requires the teaching staff to systematically generate new ideas and proposals, involve students in creative tasks, research projects, etc. [4; 6].
2. Focus on the development and self-development of students. An effective educational environment creates favorable conditions for maximizing the potential of all subjects of the educational process, encourages self-education and self-improvement. An important component is the provision of opportunities for students to solve fundamentally new tasks, the development of their creativity, which is ensured by the use of a wide range of non-standard forms and the latest methods of work, and the improvement of teachers’ own methodological tools. Of particular importance in this aspect is pedagogical reflection – analysis of the results of their own activities, which contributes to the choice of effective and efficient forms, methods of work, determination of optimal strategies for professional development and self-improvement [4; 5; 6].
3. Dynamic nature – the interaction of the applicant with the created educational environment has a certain development and passes through the stages from the object to the subject of activity in the following stages: the stage of adaptation – adaptation to the conditions and influences of the environment, self-monitoring of own needs, capabilities in accordance with the requirements and capabilities of the environment; stage of active interaction; stage of active influence and transformation of the environment [1; 4].
As it was found out, the formation of an effective educational environment takes place in the following stages:
1) diagnosis of the environment;
2) designing the environment, i.e. determining the prospects for the realization of the tasks, planning activities, developing and conducting certain activities
3) analysis of the results [2; 4; 6].
Thus, an effective educational environment as a complex system of conditions, influences, connections, and interactions involves a special, purposeful organization and systematic and consistent support for its functioning.
The result of the interaction of a person with the educational environment is a change in his or her status from an object to a subject of educational and upbringing activities, maximum development of all abilities, inclinations and interests, and realization in the intellectual, socio-cultural, socio-communication spheres.
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