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The article deals with the content of spiritual development in the system of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching: its logical stages and tasks that are solved in the process of development through all stages to achieve mastery in spiritual development, a certain professionalism.
Keywords: spirituality, development, spiritual growth, state management, time management.
Khvostychenko O. M.
Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor,
World Scientific Noosphere-Ontological Society, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Spiritual development in the system of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching occupies a crucial place, as it is aimed at changing the consciousness and thinking of a person [1]. Conscious spiritual development is achieved by taking full responsibility for one’s spiritual growth when one is thirsty for results. In the system of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching, there are four logical stages of spiritual growth:
Stage 1 “The Beginning of the Path”. Setting goals, mastering the technique, initial results: self-control, planning (time management), initial state management.
Stage 2 “Perfection”. Mastering the universal methods of managing external manifestations – the formation of dignity, the absence of negativity, aggression, violence, insults, not to hurt other people and duties, positive influence, adequate protection.
Stage 3: Independence. Mastering the techniques of maintaining a positive internal state, taking into account: calmness, absence of internal problems, purification of consciousness; the ability to ignite others with one’s own fire, establish and terminate relationships or change jobs – gives inner freedom, comfortable relationships and feelings.
Stage 4: Mastery. Bringing self management techniques to perfection, entering the flow of creativity, revealing feelings, mastering the energy abilities of amplification and influence, gives influence, active and comfortable movement from goal to goal, and fullness of happiness.
The main tasks of development go through all stages of mastery [2]: 1) understanding; 2) goal setting; 3) self-control; 4) time management; 5) reprogramming of consciousness; 6) state management; 7) unleashing creativity; 8) professionalism; 9) lifestyle. Let’s consider the content of each task.
1. Understanding – searching for and mastering the necessary knowledge, forming mental structures [2], distinguishing between good and evil. Knowledge is the foundation of any process. False knowledge can lead to degradation. Knowledge needs to be checked for logic, consistency, and heart response; to take into account the experience of others, because it is better to learn from the mistakes of others, but taking into account your situation and capabilities; to check it yourself. There is a lot of information, so you can get lost, it is impossible to know everything. The accumulation of knowledge about everything is clearly a losing proposition. The criterion for the initial assessment of knowledge is how much it affects a person’s life and development. The most valuable knowledge is aimed at positive changes in a person’s life; it should transform awareness and bring joy. Knowledge should be practical, so that it can be used in life, otherwise it is just information for information.
2. Goal setting – the formation of skills in setting goals in all areas of life (service, development, self-realization, relationships, money, leisure, life), their detailing for different periods up to “for life” [3].
3. Self-control – learning the ability to control (monitor) internal and external manifestations – to study oneself. Record negative emotions, loss of joy, mistakes in communication and behavior. Get rid of bad habits, control your desires, put everything harmful under the ban. Staying in a positive state for as long as possible, and returning to this state when it is lost. The second stage involves learning to perceive and evaluate oneself holistically, to have a preliminary attitude to a task or situation, and to find a comfortable way through it. A tool of self-control is mindfulness, which requires training the following qualities: concentration (the ability to focus and hold attention on one object) and volume (the number of elements or indicators of an object noticed, detail) – this applies to vision, hearing, and other senses. Developed self-control provides the most complete perception and understanding of what is happening, allows you to enjoy life, make timely decisions and respond, and involves self management.
4. Time management – training in the ability to account for and effectively use time (rhythms, plans, diary).
5. Reprogramming of consciousness is the replacement of false, erroneous beliefs with correct, true ones, and the formation of strong personality qualities. This is, in fact, clearing the mind of negative programs: fears, resentment, envy, weakness, laziness. To do this, we use the following technique: understand (what prevents, what to change); replace programs (make an effort of will); train internal and external manifestations; maintain and strengthen the given states (according to the situation and roles); organize an appropriate lifestyle [2].
6. State management is a key ability to manage oneself: setting up and maintaining a positive, energetic state in accordance with the chosen role, quick switching (by role) and recovery when losing positivity. The overall task is to ignite the maximum fire in the soul (thirst for life): do everything with joy, inspiration (I’m going to the goal), get up and go to bed with anticipation (great things are waiting for you).
The main tasks by stages:
I – to stop the pendulum of states, to turn on the growth of positive;
II – to burn with goals, personal inspiration, to realize perfection in external manifestations;
ІІІ-ІV – to ignite and inspire others with your positive attitude – to turn negative into positive.
Tools: attunement – entering the strongest possible state and motivation, searching for maximum joy; self-control – tracking and maintaining the state; self-mastery – the ability to maintain an internal mood under negative external influences [2].
7. Disclosure of creativity is one of the goals and the prize for development – connecting to life the ability to create in every matter, to seek and find the best solutions and ways to implement them in connection with the Highest, the Universe.
The way of disclosure is the performing arts (vocals, choreography, theater, humor):
At the first stage, it helps to get rid of complexes and clamps, because the fear of the stage is second only to the fear of death in the system of human fears, and gives inner freedom of expression;
at the second stage, it creates conditions for training the necessary states in simulated situations;
at the third stage, it allows you to hone the skill of external and internal manifestations – of perfection;
At the fourth stage, it allows you to connect the acquired skills to everyday life.
The bottom line is that the stage allows you to experience high states that were previously unusual for a person, to test yourself in play, heroism, and romance. To develop qualities, skills of manifestation and then use them in life. It is not so much the final result, such as a performance at a concert, that is important, but the process of preparation and rehearsal, which is where the main transformations of a person take place. Liberation from internal complexes and fears allows you to bring elements of creativity into ordinary relationships, to create a special atmosphere of flight of the soul, instead of routine and despondency.
8. Professionalism – to become a professional in development, a master, and not to remain an amateur – to carefully study development issues, use the most effective methods and techniques, and achieve results.
9. Lifestyle – organization of life with maximum efficiency for development and joy. To make every day bring maximum benefits, give strength and joy, inspiration from interesting and noble deeds, from pleasant and useful communication with worthy people, with those who love and respect you, instead of empty talk about nothing, unnecessary obligations, wasting time watching TV or on social networks. Develop useful habits and traditions so that there is a place and time for everything that brings good: creativity, development, communication with friends, nature, physical education, and much more – everything that your soul needs. Managing your life (time) so that it leads to the best results, so that it is rich, but not exhausting with a constant race for illusions, does not turn a person into a driven horse – and this is, among other things, an indicator of his or her intelligence and strength, and focus on success.
Development is the realization of the knowledge gained in such a way that the understanding of dignity becomes a personal quality.
Spiritual and energy development are interconnected and reinforce each other: spiritual development gives understanding, removes inhibitions through the purification of consciousness, reveals spiritual capabilities to manage vital energy; energy development gives an increase in efficiency, provides spiritual growth (energy for transformations of consciousness), reveals energy capabilities [5].
List of references
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