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The article discusses the concept and content of energy development in the system of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching: its goals and objectives, the solution of which increases human energy – its physical and mental activity, efficiency, general state of vitality, and also strengthens health.
Keywords: energy development, vital energy, energy accumulation, performance, spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching.

Khvostychenko O. M.
Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor,
World Scientific Noosphere-Ontological Society, Kharkiv, Ukraine


The system of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching considers a new direction of human development for the education system – energy. Since this direction has long been implemented in many systems of human development and gives tangible, stable results, it is unreasonable to continue to ignore it. Of course, additional research is needed, but the results already obtained allow us to introduce energy development into the system of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching [1, 2].

Energy is the basis of life and development. It is the basis of performance, the ability to take and maintain the necessary state (joy, confidence, inspiration, etc.). In addition, the presence of excess energy is a condition for development, the possibility of transforming thinking, improving any qualities and abilities [3].

The goal of energy development is a daily increase in energy so that by the evening a person is not broken down from fatigue and does not fall off his or her feet, but feels a surge of energy, ideally, the same readiness to move mountains as in the morning. It may seem impossible, but practice shows that if you have such a goal and the willingness to realize it, then everything becomes possible. Then a person goes to bed, not when he or she no longer has the strength to stay awake, but only because it is time, with the realization that this will bring a new burst of energy and make the person even stronger. It is difficult for a person who has not slept well or has lost a lot of energy to control himself, he becomes irritable, easily breaks down into negative emotions, which leads to even greater loss of energy and a deterioration in his condition [3].

Energy development includes techniques for direct energy accumulation and physical development.

The accumulation of energy is carried out as a result of special techniques for gaining energy and connecting them to everyday life so that every activity becomes a creative process and brings joy and inspiration, which is the state of natural energy gain. The accumulation of energy includes its collection, proper use and conservation.

Energy gain naturally occurs during sleep, during creativity, and in general in any activity, while doing what you love. When the soul rejoices, the heart sings, and the inflow of energy exceeds its consumption for the action itself. Since it is not always possible to stay in such a state, we use techniques for targeted energy gain. They allow you to get the necessary charge before starting an important task, and thus realize it as efficiently as possible. The same techniques are necessary to quickly restore vitality after difficult communication, after emotional breakdowns, etc. At the initial stage of development, gaining energy through techniques is very important and necessary to create a constant reserve of vitality for effective life and self-improvement.

Techniques – a set of energy for all parts of the mind and body: meditation, self-hypnosis, breathing, physical exercises, make it possible to choose the most effective ones for different conditions.

The use of energy requires compliance with certain rules. Among them: proper use. Practice shows that it is advisable to invest energy only in those things that give the maximum return, due to high states, inspiration from creativity in the process of doing things. This is facilitated by clear life rhythms, planning, and a good attitude towards relationships and communication. Thinking about where to invest your mental strength and where not to, always having alternative solutions (multivariate) to choose the best one.

Conservation. The greatest energy loss occurs during emotional reactions (outbursts), negative attitudes (resentment, fears, depression), and when performing uninteresting routine work “through strength,” especially under external pressure [4]. Therefore, the first task is to minimize the negative emotional background, prevent breakdowns, control your attitude to what is happening and to work, look for the positive in everything that cannot be changed at this stage (relieve internal tension). The tools here are: preliminary mood, self-control and self-control (state management). Another important task is to properly organize your life so that your daily energy intake exceeds your energy consumption. And finally, protection from external influences: from various irritants and provocateurs for emotional breakdown.

Physical development, which begins with the right attitude to the body. The body should be considered as a temple of our soul, and everything in it should be perfect: clean and open, developed to perfection. It doesn’t matter what kind of body a person has been given by fate, even if there are obvious physical defects, the owner must learn to love his or her body and take care of it purposefully and harmoniously. Harmony is achieved through an integrated approach and the development of all the basic properties of the body – strength, speed, endurance, flexibility. Targetedness is achieved by focusing on a quality, muscle or muscle group that is being developed. For example, for each inhale-exhale, imagine how the energy of space fills the muscle being trained. This significantly increases the effectiveness of exercises, muscle development, and overall body energy.

Physical development is enhanced by a healthy lifestyle – proper nutrition, adequate sleep, absence of bad habits, a combination of active and passive recreation, etc.

The prize of energy development is the health of the body and mind. An excess of energy automatically triggers the body’s self-healing processes, creates conditions for eliminating complex problems of consciousness and unlocking energy abilities.

Spiritual and energetic development are interconnected and reinforce each other: spiritual development gives understanding, removes inhibitions through the purification of consciousness, and reveals spiritual capabilities for managing vital energy. Energy development increases efficiency, provides spiritual growth (energy for transformations of consciousness), and reveals energy possibilities [5].

List of references

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