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Publication of scientific articles!
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the preparation for the publication of the VI issue of the international peer-reviewed periodical collection of scientific papers
“Spiritual and Intellectual Upbringing and Teaching of Youth in the XXI Century” (ISSN: 2708-4809) of the WSNOS Publishing House for 2024 by publishing your articles on topical issues of the education system designed to form people of the future – individuals capable of a happy life through self-realization for their own and the common good, trained in a positive way of thinking that meets the requirements of the XXI century. Scientific articles are published after a peer review (double-blind).
In the new (VI) issue of the collection, it is planned to publish scientific articles on the following topics:
- Theoretical foundations of spiritual and intellectual education and training.
- Methodology of spiritual and intellectual education and training.
- Psychological and other aspects of spiritual and intellectual education and training.
- Practice of spiritual and intellectual education and training.
The planned date of publication of the Collection is 1.06.2024.
You can send your articles to the editor-in-chief of the collection, Oleksandr Mykolayovych Khvostychenko, at (subject line “Article for the collection “DIVO-21″ Name and surname”).
Basic requirements for the design and length of articles:
Volume – 5-10 pages of printed text A4, font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins 20-20-20-10 (right).
The author’s (co-authors’) data is indicated at the beginning of the article: Full name, academic degree, academic title, position and place of work, ORCID, e-mail, contact phone number, number of copies of the printed editions of the collection to be ordered.
Each author has the right to submit several articles, but to different sections of the collection.
The file with the article in Ms Word format should contain the number of the collection section and the author’s surname in the title (example: “3=First name.doc”).
Articles are accepted until May 15, 2024.
The cost of publishing one article is 150 UAH.
The estimated cost of one printed copy of the collection is 400 UAH.
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