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The article presents the results of a study of the essence of the educational environment according to the criteria of spiritual and intellectual development of the student’s personality in the context of the development of a personality-oriented system. The attention is focused on the conditions of formation of the environment of the corresponding type, as well as approaches to determining the basic indicators of its quality diagnostics.
Keywords: educational environment, personality-oriented education, spiritual and intellectual development.

Franchuk T. Y.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Scientific Department,
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
Mozoluk O. M.
Professional College of Economics, Law and Information Technologies
Kamianets-Podilskyi Tax Institute, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine


It is difficult to overestimate the urgency of the problem of spiritual and intellectual upbringing and teaching of students at all levels, which is due to

a) the need for a total transition to a system of personality-oriented education, which is realized through the interaction of the experiences of the teacher and the learner; the importance of the spiritual and intellectual component in the process of self-realization of the individual during learning, the integration of educational activities into the life space of the individual;
b) ensuring the comfort of the educational environment as a factor of psychological health of participants in the educational process;
c) the need to use modern educational technologies that provide for the active development of the spiritual and intellectual sphere of the individual;
d) the peculiarities of forming an individual educational trajectory, which is realized through the position of the student as a subject of his or her own development (self-development), and therefore determines the need to integrate educational and educational components in a holistic educational process.

The problem is especially relevant for young people, i.e., the period of formation of spirituality, filling it with individual meanings. O. Tseliakova, studying the problems of the current state of development of spirituality in Ukrainian society, characterizes it as “mimicry of spirituality, whereby traditional values change their meaning or lose it altogether” [3, p. 222-223].

At the stage of transition from a knowledge-based to a personality-oriented education system, traditional approaches related to the transmission of spiritual values are being rethought, and a holistic environment is being created that develops on their basis and provides an appropriate microclimate – the living space of the individual in the educational process. The educational environment is most closely associated with the social environment and is necessarily based on the relevant social and intellectual values.

The problem of the quality of the educational environment is a problem of value priorities, the basis of which is formed by spiritual and intellectual values related to the value of human life, the relationships of its subjects, which are transformed at all levels, for example, through the interaction of social and educational components. Also, the problems of developing spiritual and intellectual values are especially relevant at the stage of transition to personality-oriented educational technologies, which are based on the interaction of experiences of participants in the educational process. It is natural that any experience is based on the personal positions of its creator, in our case, the student, and therefore the educational process is based on the interaction of the educational content being studied and the experience that accumulates worldview positions, values, beliefs, development priorities, etc. It is the thinking in the process of learning that ensures comprehension of the learning content in the context of all these personal formations, integrating them into one’s experience, as well as enriching and improving it. This process requires, of course, a favorable, trusting educational environment necessary to reveal the experience of the teacher and the student as a personal asset that reveals internal, closed areas in the structure of the personality.

Researcher S. Donets proposes approaches to the interpretation of the phenomenon of spiritual development of the individual and the peculiarities of experiencing crisis periods of ontogeny, which determine the properties of the organization of the educational process, the formation of an educational environment that would be optimal for the subject of learning at different stages of his or her personal development [1, p. 32-38].

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the problem of forming an educational environment according to the criteria of spirituality and psychological safety have been the subject of research by such scientists as L. Burlachuk, S. Donets, E. Rudneva, S. Sysoieva, O. Tseliakova, V. Yasvin, and others.

S. Sysoieva points out the crucial role of education in the development of society, in particular from the standpoint of its spiritual dimensions:

“education transforms and directs the life of society, preserving in it everything that is valuable to a person; determines the strategy and realistic conditions for the development of society, transforming it from “society today” to “society tomorrow”; forms new thinking, a new vision of the meaning of life. In other words, in this context, education appears as a means of managing the development of society” [2, p. 7].

Transforming these positions to the educational environment of an educational institution, it should be noted that it is a powerful factor in the socialization of the student, the development of his/her living space in the most sensitive period of personal development, filling it with spiritual and intellectual meanings.

The theoretical and practical analysis of the problem, the results of experimental studies made it possible to determine the conditions for the formation of an educational environment with a focus on the development of its spiritual and intellectual potential:

– Improving the competence of all participants in the pedagogical process in the theory and practice of personality-oriented education, an indispensable condition for the implementation of which is a psychologically favorable educational environment based on spiritual and intellectual values;
– active use of interactive forms and methods of organizing educational activities that involve the activation of subject-subject interaction of its participants, the development of forms of constructive communication, various forms of cooperation;
– in the system of studying the quality of educational activities of a teacher of an educational institution, an important place should be given to the diagnosis and analysis of the educational environment according to the criteria of favorability for the development of the spiritual and intellectual potential of each of its subjects;
– intensification of research and project activities of the educational institution to optimize technologies and algorithms for creating and developing a favorable educational environment.

The research results also made it possible to determine the indicators of the level of formation of an educational environment focused on the development of the intellectual and spiritual potential of its subjects:

– Active intellectual activity based on thinking, analysis, systematization, algorithmization, modeling, etc., obtaining personally significant results, creating a situation of success;
– constructive interpersonal interaction of participants in educational activities, mutual respect, personal and trusting communication, perception of everyone as a significant participant in communication;
– a sense of satisfaction from joint work, which produces the effect of emergence and determines its expediency;
– socio-psychological competence of participants in the educational process – real subjects of the educational environment.

Thus, it is important to work on ensuring the purposefulness of the process of total transition to a system of competence-based education and personality-oriented technologies, as this determines the immediate need to create an adequate educational environment based on intellectual and spiritual values. For the student as a subject of ensuring the productivity and safety of the educational space, the following processes are characteristic

a) optimization of the educational environment of the HEI as the content of their professional development;
b) formation of a microenvironment in the context of which an individual training route is programmed and implemented
c) formation of readiness to create future professional activities of their own educational environment, taking into account the “self-concept”.

List of references

1. Donets S. I. Spiritual development of personality in the crisis of entering adulthood (theoretical analysis of the issue). Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 12: Psychological sciences: a collection of scientific papers. Kyiv: Drahomanov National Pedagogical University. 2018. Issue 7 (52). С. 32-38.
2. Sysoieva S. Education and personality in the post-industrial world: monograph: KHDPA, 2008. С. 7.
3. Spirituality and value orientations of student youth of Ukraine in a transformational society. Humanitarian Herald of the ZGIA. 2009. Issue 38. С. 222-223.