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The realities of the pandemic, military operations, and forced migration increase the urgency of ensuring the youth’s readiness for independent educational activities, self-education, and the formation of an appropriate level of selfeducational competence. The article reveals the essence of the main concepts of the problem of the formation of self-educational competence of schoolchildren.
Keywords: terminological analysis, competence approach, competence, competence, self-education, self-educational competence.

Maistriuk I. S.
PhD student of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education at the Department of Education and Innovative Pedagogy,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

The modern world requires everyone to learn throughout their lives. This idea has long been one of the leading ones in building the conceptual foundations of education systems around the world [1, p. 2]. In Ukraine, in the current conditions of a pandemic, martial law, and forced migration, the problem of ensuring the readiness of young people for independent learning activities, self-education, and the formation of an appropriate level of self-educational competence in students of basic secondary education is becoming increasingly important.

Scientists have carried out many studies on self-education from different perspectives, but most of the works were devoted to the self-educational competence of future teachers (L. Bilousova, T. Boyko, I. Viktorenko, N. Vovk, O. Kiseleva, N. Nosovets, O. Piskun, S. Roy, N. Ulasevych, I. Fed, etc.); studying the possibilities of forming self-educational competence of vocational education students in the process of professional training (S. Bartish, S. Bondar, N. Dovmatovych, K. Kucheryava, Y. Pryshupa, T. Saraieva, L. Fedorova, N. Shablygina, etc.) The theoretical foundations of the formation of self-educational competence of basic secondary education students, the peculiarities of the structure of this phenomenon are presented in the scientific research of scientists to a rather limited extent. Consequently, there is a significant lack of understanding of general theoretical approaches to solving this problem.

The purpose of the article is to carry out a terminological analysis of the main concepts on the problem of forming the self-educational competence of students of basic secondary education.

In the course of the study, it was found that the terminological field of the problem of self-educational competence of applicants for basic secondary education includes the following concepts:

1. Competence is an integral characteristic of a personality, the ability to solve problems and typical tasks that arise in real life situations, in various fields of activity based on the use of knowledge, learning and life experience in accordance with the learned system of values [1, p. 10].

2. Competence is a set of interrelated qualities of a person (knowledge, skills, abilities, ways of activity) that are set to the relevant range of subjects and processes and are necessary for high-quality productive action in relation to them [1, p. 10].

3. Competence-based approach is the focus of the educational process on achieving integrated learning outcomes, which are the general (basic, key) and special (subject) competencies of students [1, p. 11].

4. Key competencies are those that everyone needs for personal fulfillment, development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment and that can ensure personal fulfillment and life success throughout life [1, p. 10].

5. Self-development is a conscious and personally controlled process that results in the improvement of physical, mental and moral potentials of a person, the development of his/her individuality [3, p. 126].

6. Self-education is a purposeful and independent cognitive activity to meet the interests and needs of a person in learning about the world around him [3, p. 126].

7. Self-education is a necessary and constant component of the life of a cultured, educated person, an activity that accompanies him/her throughout life [3, p. 129].
8. Self-educational competence is an integrative quality of a personality that manifests itself in the presence of certain knowledge, skills, abilities and certain personal qualities [2, p. 127].

9. Activity-based approach in education – the focus of the educational process on the development of key competencies and cross-cutting skills of the individual, the application of theoretical knowledge in practice, the formation of self-education and teamwork abilities, successful integration into society and professional self-realization [3, p. 126].

10. Integrative approach in education – an approach that leads to the integration of educational content, that is, to the expedient combination of its elements into a whole; a type of designing the content of learning, which is subordinated to solving a system of intra- and interdisciplinary problems; involves the construction of content (a separate subject or educational field) in the form of a didactic model, which is developed on the basis of a reasonable combination of knowledge elements from different subjects and implemented using integrated forms and methods of organizing learning [2, p. 127].

11. A personal approach in education is a purposeful, systematic, specially organized pedagogical process aimed at developing a student with special educational needs, his/her formation as a personality, taking into account his/her individual characteristics, interests, abilities [3, p. 127].

These concepts in their modern understanding are reflected in the components of the self-educational competence of students of basic secondary education. Thus, scientists propose to distinguish the motivational and value, content and process, and control and reflection components of the self-educational competence of basic secondary education students. To establish the content of the motivational and value component, it is especially important to take into account the content of the concept of self-education and self-development (primarily to substantiate the importance of self-educational competence).

For the content and procedural component, it seems crucial to apply the modern interpretation of the concepts of competence, competence, key competencies, and integrative approach in education (to clarify the current list of relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as ways to identify them). Clarification of the content of the control and reflection component of the self-educational competence of students of basic secondary education is based on a review of current views on competence and activity-based approaches (in terms of establishing a list of criteria and indicators of formation).

Clarification of the content and interrelationships of the basic concepts on the problem of self-educational competence of basic secondary school students is the basis for further establishing the peculiarities of its formation in the educational process of general secondary education institutions in the modern educational space.

List of references

1. New Ukrainian School: Conceptual Framework for Secondary School Reform. URL: pdf (accessed 09.11.2022).
2. Roy S. Self-educational competence of future teachers of humanities subjects, its level and structure. Science and Education. 2015. № 8, С. 125-129.
3. Maistriuk I., & Ponomarova N. Concept Content and Structure of Self-Educational Competence of School Students in the Modern Educational Space. Educational Challenges. 2022. № 27 (2). С 122-137.