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The article focuses on the importance of the life-creating potential of humanitarian subjects (philosophy, Ukrainian language, foreign language, history, life safety). The ideas of the New Ukrainian School are analyzed. It is emphasized that in the current conditions of development of the national education system in Ukraine, the requirements for the spiritual growth of the individual are significantly increasing.
Keywords: potential, paradigm, education, humanities.

Kupina I. O.
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, с. Kharkiv, Ukraine

Radchenia I. V.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Kharkiv H. S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University, с. Kharkiv, Ukraine

Today, the education paradigm is focused on the importance of a person, his or her uniqueness and creative potential, which implies a new approach to the realities of life, i.e., the willingness to abandon the usual patterns and stereotypes of behavior, perception and thinking, and the readiness for self-changing. A person is characterized in terms of potential projection and perspective. Potential modeling provides forecasting, predicting the development of a person and his or her life-creativity. In today’s Ukraine, the well-known aspects of addressing this issue are supplemented by other aspects, including social, philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical ones. Thus, this problem is undoubtedly relevant.

Today, it is necessary to train teachers who work with inspiration and contribute to the formation of a child’s personality, but for this they must be a standard, a model of mentors.

L. Hrynevych is sure that “the new school needs a new teacher who can become an agent of change. The reform provides a number of incentives for personal and professional growth in order to attract the best to the profession. First of all, a creative and responsible teacher who is constantly working on himself will be granted academic freedom. Teachers will be able to prepare their own author’s curricula, choose their own textbooks, methods, strategies, ways and means of teaching; actively express their own professional opinion. The state will guarantee them freedom from interference in their professional activities. The process and content of teacher training will undergo significant changes. Teachers will study personality-oriented and competency-based approaches to managing the educational process, the psychology of group dynamics, etc. In this regard, it is worth talking about the new role of the teacher – not as the only mentor and source of knowledge, but as a coach, facilitator, tutor, moderator in the individual educational trajectory of the child. The number of teacher training models will increase. Forms of professional development will be diversified: courses at the IPT, seminars, webinars, online courses, conferences, self-education (recognition of certificates). The best will be involved in school work” [1, p. 16].

If we analyze the ideas of the New Ukrainian School in general (key competencies for life, pedagogy of partnership, motivated teacher, student-centeredness, values-based education), we can trace the commonalities with the issues of our topic. However, it should be noted that insufficient attention is paid to the problem of forming life-creating potential in future primary school teachers in the process of studying humanities.

The priority task of modern education is to educate a purposeful personality who strives to realize his or her potential, is ready to learn new experiences, and is able to make responsible choices in different life situations. Therefore, the goal of the educational process is to develop not just skills and abilities, but certain personality qualities that will contribute to the successful adaptation of the younger generation in society and its capabilities. In order to survive in the chaos of today, young people should seek answers to questions about moral and ethical principles, the harmony of being in the experience of human civilization, which is recorded in the culture of mankind, which is the object of study in the humanities.

The importance of the life-creating potential of humanities subjects is explained by their essence, namely: philosophy is a science that studies the most general essential characteristics of human attitudes towards nature, society and spiritual life in all its main manifestations; history is a science that studies the past of humanity, relying on written and material evidence of past events; life safety is a science that studies the theoretical foundations of human interaction with the environment and ways to ensure the safety of human life and activity in the environment and conditions In general, all humanitarian disciplines contain values that can be transformed into value orientations [2, p. 98-100].

In the current context of the development of the national education system in Ukraine, the requirements for the spiritual growth of the individual, including the formation of national consciousness, a planetary outlook, moral independence, and social activity, are significantly increasing. Today, the belief that the future of Ukraine will be determined by the spirituality of the individual dominates the consciousness, where the decisive criterion for the level of education of a young person will be not only the amount of knowledge, enrichment of memory or development of intellect, but also his or her worldview, understanding of his or her human purpose, vision of the directions of realization of oneself as a person, and ability to adapt in a situation of constant change, in particular under martial law.

In our opinion, the successful solution of these fundamental tasks requires the humanization of education in Ukraine, which would ensure the ethical and moral formation and spiritual enrichment of the younger generation.

Thus, humanitarian disciplines are aimed primarily at forming historical and literary knowledge, culture, developing a wealth of feelings in young people, and familiarizing them with the role of creativity in human life and society. In view of this, it is advisable for education to use the content of these humanities disciplines, which would allow future teachers to better understand the complexity of human life in harmony with nature, relations with society, culture and creativity.

List of references

1. Concept of the New Ukrainian School / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 2016. 34 с. URL: (accessed 03.10.2022).
2. Radchenia I. V. Formation of life-creating potential in future primary school teachers in the process of studying humanities: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.04. Kharkiv: KNPU, 2020. 288 с.