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The article presents a scientific analysis of the problem of forming the competence of future teachers’ professional self-development. It is determined that the professional self-development of future teachers is a continuous process of purposeful disclosure of their potential capabilities and abilities, which allows them to carry out various types of professional activities most effectively.
Keywords: competence, competence formation, professional self-development, future teachers.

Ilyina O. O.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Municipal Institution “Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy” of Kharkiv Regional Council, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Brateshko A. M.
PhD student,
Municipal Institution “Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy” of Kharkiv Regional Council, Kharkiv, Ukraine


The need for pedagogical research in the field of professional self-development is determined by the increased attention of modern pedagogy to the inner potential of the individual and the increasingly acute need of modern education for initiative, intellectual individuals who are able to consciously participate in the process of personal and professional self-development.

The purpose of the article is to conduct a scientific analysis of the problem of forming the competence of future teachers’ professional self-development as a continuous process of purposeful disclosure of their potential capabilities and abilities, which allows them to carry out their professional activities most effectively.

In today’s society, only those who have the skills of self-regulation, self-education, ability to work in a team, think critically, work independently, set goals and achieve them, learn throughout life, communicate in a multicultural environment, and strive for professional self-development can be in demand in the labor market. The need for these transformations in the professional training of future specialists is reflected in the Laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On Higher Education”, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the National Qualifications Framework” (2011), the National Doctrine of Education Development, the State National Program “Education” (“Ukraine of the XXI Century”), the Sectoral Concept for the Development of Continuing Teacher Education (2013), the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine until 2021, the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, the draft Concept for the Development of Teacher Education, and the

Thus, the Concept of the New Ukrainian School emphasizes the teacher’s ability to learn throughout life, which is defined as the ability to search for and acquire new knowledge, acquire new skills, organize the educational process (personal and collective), in particular, through effective management of resources and information flows, the ability to define educational goals and ways to achieve them, build an individual professional trajectory, evaluate and predict performance [3].

Thus, the purpose of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine is not only to acquire fundamental professional knowledge of future specialists, but also to form their readiness for further professional and personal self-development and self-realization.

In the educational process of higher education institutions, insufficient attention is paid to the independent activity of students in the development of professionally important qualities and abilities, which can lead to the formation of specialists with a set of ready-made template solutions. Professional and creative personalities do not appear on their own, but are formed in the process of special training and education. In real practice, students rarely realize the need for self-development and mastering self-development techniques, so this process is spontaneously unstable and ineffective. Therefore, it is important to study the problem of competence of future teachers’ professional self-development in order to ensure their rapid adaptation and professional mobility in the context of Ukraine’s transition to new educational standards [1].

Researchers and practitioners agree that a modern teacher should have deep professional knowledge, skills, special qualities and abilities, as well as consciously participate in the process of personal and professional self-development in order to adapt to the constantly changing socio-economic conditions and effectively perform job functions [4].

The main characteristics of the problem of professional self-development are revealed in the works of domestic and foreign teachers and psychologists. Thus, V. Andrushchenko, V. Bondar, O. Budnyk, N. Demianenko, O. Dubaseniuk, M. Yevtukh, I. Ziayun, N. Kyrychuk, S. Kuzikova, V. Lugovyi, O. Padalka, I. Pidlasyi, H. Ponomariova, V. Rybalka, L. Sushchenko, T. Yatsenko dealt with the issues of professional formation of the individual. The scientific works of V. Bondar, P. Husak, I. Ziaziun, V. Kremen, and O. Romanovskyi highlight the professional self-improvement and self-development of the teacher’s personality. Researchers O. Bykovska, H. Volynka, I. Ziaziun, O. Semenov, L. Khomych, O. Fedii note professional self-development as a basic for characterizing the goals, content, and means of education.

In the process of studying scientific works, it was found that by now pedagogy, psychology, philosophy have accumulated a certain potential of knowledge necessary for raising and solving the issue of forming competence in professional self-development, but we consider it expedient to consider more fully the problem of forming competence in professional self-development of future teachers.

The professional self-development of future teachers can be characterized as a continuous process of qualitative, independent, purposeful disclosure of their potential capabilities and abilities by a teacher, which allows them to carry out various types of professional activities most effectively [2].

The analysis of state standards, curricula, plans, and research results shows, on the one hand, the need to develop future teachers’ professional self-development competence, and, on the other hand, the lack of theoretical provisions, appropriate methodological and didactic support for this process.

Thus, it becomes obvious that there are contradictions between:

— The society’s requirements for teachers who realize the need for professional self-development and the lack of motivation of students to address this need;
— The desire of higher education teachers to provide training for the formation of future teachers’ professional self-development competence and the lack of theoretical substantiation of this process;
— The need to develop future teachers’ professional self-development competence and the lack of necessary pedagogical developments to create conditions for this process, taking into account individual characteristics of students.

Thus, one of the most important conditions for the professional self-development of a teacher is the formation of his/her need for self-education, which is the key to his/her skills and professional competence. A teacher’s self-education will be productive when the teacher’s need for personal development and self-development is realized, if the teacher is ready for pedagogical creativity, and the relationship between personal and professional development and self-development is realized [2].

Thus, the professional self-development of future teachers includes self-educational activities and is carried out by the modern education system, which provides all the necessary opportunities for continuous education of teachers. In conclusion, it can be concluded that today the problem of forming the competence of future teachers’ professional self-development is becoming especially relevant.

List of references

1. Demchenko Y. M. Formation of self-educational competence of the future mathematics teacher: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.04. Kirovohrad, 2016. 261 с.
2. Nekrasova S. M. Teacher’s readiness for professional self-development: essence, structure, research problems. Scientific Bulletin of Melitopol State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogy. Melitopol, 2010. Issue 5. С. 7-13.
3. Concept for the implementation of state policy in the field of reforming general secondary education “New Ukrainian School” for the period up to 2029: Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 14, 2016, No. 988-p. URL: (accessed on October 27, 2016).
4. Professional self-development of the future specialist: monograph / edited by V. A. Kovalchuk. Zhytomyr: I. Franko Zhytomyr State University, 2011. 204 с.