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The article discusses the ways you can use to achieve success. A deep idea and different ways of cultivating positive ideas are enough for this. The winner is the one who has a goal and a great desire to succeed. To achieve a specific goal, you need an action plan. Ideas, plans and thoughts in the mind control the intellect and its movement through life.
Keywords: dream, goal, faith, consciousness, subconscious.

Klimakova S. M.
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines and Fitness,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Success begins with a dream. If the mind is ready for success, then half the secret of success has already been mastered. You need to know what you want, what you dream about. Then put this dream in your heart with a thought, and then work hard to realize this dream. The mind will be the first to report success. The most important thing to achieve success is desire. If a person wants something very badly and is willing to risk their own future, they will win.

You need pure determination until the dream is ignited by powerful inspiration. There are setbacks and failures that happen by chance, and people can’t always recognize them, but anyone who wants to realize their dreams must learn to think. Such a person should know that ideas can be turned into material values by keeping known principles. We need to go through many failures before we can succeed, but we must remember that crazy success will come only one step before failure. Fate gives us the opportunity to realize that “no” does not always mean “no”.

Successful achievement of a goal is just a single but deep thought. It can be held by the mind in the form of plans or intentions. One deep thought and various ways of “nurturing” positive thoughts are enough for success, so you need to learn how to immerse your consciousness in a state that will allow you to realize your dreams. Success always belongs to those who think successfully. Failure follows those who allow themselves to think in terms of failure. Therefore, it is advisable to learn the art of retraining the consciousness of failure into the consciousness of success. Success comes when a person understands the principles of success and learns to accept them. One of the principles is to know exactly what you want to achieve.

“Success is the constant realization of the goals that a person sets for himself or herself and that are important to him or her. Success is not only the result, but also the process of moving towards it. It is the development of human capabilities, the disclosure of his/her potential” [1, p. 8-9].

A person controls his/her own destiny and is the captain of his/her own soul because he/she controls his/her thoughts. Thoughts that dominate the mind attract it. These magnets attract forces, people, and circumstances and bring them into harmony with the prevailing ideas. Only those who strive for this can succeed. The longer you go to success, the closer it gets. People who quit their jobs one step before achieving their goals should remember that other people will take that step.

When wishes come true, dreams come true. You have to ask for everything in life, and it will give you a lot. You cannot retreat, you must win! To succeed, you have to break the chain and take a step back. But wanting does not mean having. Only the desire to become an idea is “fixed”, only specific ways and methods of self-realization are outlined, and only the realization of the plan without admitting defeat will lead to victory and success in life.

The goal is a desire to succeed so strong that the power of suggestion makes the desired become a reality.

The second chance for victory and success – self-confidence – is the catalyst for all mental abilities. All the dreams of our feelings, as soon as they are connected with faith, immediately begin to come true. Emotions, or the emotional fundamentals in thought, are what give thought life, reality, and power. The feelings of faith, love, and joy combined with the impulse of thought make them more viable than if they were used separately. But you can reach the depths of your subconscious mind and influence it with your thoughts, not only with beliefs, but also with positive and negative emotions! Without the task of self-hypnosis, belief, even confidence, is a factor that determines the activity of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind reconstructs its physical equivalent using all practical methods.

In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill quotes some principles that can be used to improve belief even where it is not present:

To believe in yourself is to believe in infinity.
Faith is the “elixir of life” that gives vigor and impetus to thought!
Faith is the basis for accumulating success.
Faith is the only antidote to failure.
Faith is a “chemical element” combined with prayer for direct communication with the higher mind.
Faith is the only mediator of cosmic forces that can correct the higher mind.
Faith is the basis of all “miracles” and all mysteries that are not explored according to the rules of science” [2 p. 49].

If we analyze the internal reserves and shortcomings of a person, it turns out that the most vulnerable place is self-doubt. It should be increased on the principle of self-hypnosis. It is necessary to reveal all positive thoughts, all the impulses of the soul. Then write them down, memorize them, and repeat them until they become an effective subconscious force. The subconscious mind realizes thoughts of fear as easily as it does brave thoughts. It makes no distinction between purposeful thoughts and destructive thoughts, filling thoughts with fear, hopelessness, and doubt. The law of self-hypnosis strengthens distrust, a person obeys, and the subconscious realizes its existence in real life.

The suggestions themselves are associated with different feelings. It is the control center, the link between consciousness and the subconscious. Thanks to the five senses, everything that reaches the subconscious is fully controlled, but not present in most people. The center of control is self-hypnosis, with the help of which a person can enrich his or her subconscious with desired thoughts at will. The subconscious mind receives guidance only through thoughts and feelings. A word that is not backed by emotion and faith has no effect on the subconscious mind. Do not forget that the subconscious mind obeys only the orders of the soul. Faith is the most powerful and productive emotion!

Many people still believe that “knowledge is power”. A person does not need general (basic) knowledge to succeed in his or her chosen field of activity, because he or she does not specialize in problems that use this knowledge. A person who has a developed mind is able to perceive whatever he or she wants, whatever he or she considers necessary, without violating the rights of others, and can be called an educated person.

To transfer the desire for success, you need to get an education in your chosen field. Achieving success requires a lot of energy, and it is impossible without well-organized and wisely used experience. But knowledge is not necessary for a person to succeed. A person who knows how to organize a team and manage a group of people (children) is able to use such a group for his or her own purposes. As long as he is “educated”, his team (students) will be equally educated. It is necessary to decide what special knowledge is needed and for what purpose. If a man’s intentions are serious and his plans are for the long term, then what he is going to achieve will help him, and therefore it is necessary to take care of reliable sources of knowledge. Personal life experience and education, knowledge, and experience of communicating with other educated people can help a person. It can be studying at a university, attending special courses, seminars, conferences.

To achieve a specific goal, you need a plan of practical activities. If a person is interested in his or her work, he or she will never stop being interested in special literature related to achieving success in work. Secondary school and higher education only show the ways in which a person can obtain the practical knowledge he or she needs. The key is specialization.

Thoughts, plans, and ideas that burn in the mind control the intellect and its movement in life. Most people are not familiar with the invisible forces that control and influence the intellect. Scientific discoveries are tools for human self-improvement – the sixth sense. The concept of the sixth sense can only be realized through the development of inner consciousness. With the help of our sixth sense, we receive warnings of impending dangers and opportunities that cannot be ignored.

Nature never deviates from its laws, and we need to know them. Some of them are difficult and inaccessible, and for a human being, they are a miracle. That is why miracles are the greatest highlight of the sixth sense. If a person’s desire is strong and deep, it will find a way to come out. To do this, you need to use the powerful power of self-hypnosis, which is the basis of personality formation.

List of references

1. Romanovskyi A. G., Mykhailichenko V. E. Philosophy of achieving success: a textbook. Kharkiv: NTU “KHPI”, 2003. 695 с.
2. Hill N. Think and Grow Rich: a practical guide / translated by G. Kiriyenko; 2nd ed. Kyiv: Our format, 2018. 211 с.