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The article presents the concept of upbringing activity of a higher education teacher, which reflects three main subspaces: structural, pragmatic and axiological. The outlined concept is the basis for developing strategies and tactics for organizing the professional training of future teachers, improving their educational skills.
Keywords: higher education teacher, upbringing activity, systemic basis, professionalism.

Dubaseniuk O. A.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Introduction. A comprehensive analysis of the problem of professional upbringing in the scientific literature shows that today there is a need to develop a new theoretical and methodological concept in the context of educational changes. The methodological basis of the study is based on the ideas, generalizations and conclusions of the dialectical theory of cognition, the theory of human (professional) activity in relation to the creative development of the individual. The study used the general philosophical positions of V. Andrushchenko, S. Goncharenko, I. Ziazyun, V. Kremen, general pedagogical theories of V. Hryneva, S. Karpenchuk, N. Kichuk, N. Nychkalo, B. Stuparyk, L. Khomych; psychological theories of G. Ball, I. Bech, G. Kostiuk, S. Maksymenko, V. Rybalka, etc, containing the conclusions and provisions of psychological science on the development of spiritual and intellectual qualities; provisions of pedagogical theories and reflecting trends in teacher education and upbringing [1-4].

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the conceptual foundations of the spiritual and intellectual upbringing of a higher education teacher.

The essential characteristics of the process of professional formation of a teacher are determined by the leading role of personality development in higher education institutions as a future employee, a citizen of an independent state [5; 7]. The modern methodology of cognition requires a certain system of coordinates – a “systemic basis”, which explicates the necessary and sufficient aspects of the reflection of the systemic object under study [1; 4]. The desired basis for the study of the upbringing of a higher education teacher can be represented as a multidimensional abstract space that is described and whose subspaces reflect the outlined activity from a methodological perspective.

Let us consider three main subspaces of the teacher’s upbringing: structural, procedural and axiological. The study of a particular activity in the context of human practical activity is the most important methodological principle of psychological and pedagogical science, which is interpreted in the literature as an activity approach. Taking into account the peculiarities of educational activity as a component of pedagogical activity, we distinguish the structure of the object studied by modern scientists, developed from the standpoint of general systems theory [1]. The outlined structure includes the following interrelated components: subject and object of educational influence, subject of their joint activity, goals of education and means of pedagogical communication.

At the same time, based on the principle of reflecting interaction and development, we note that the structural levels of organization of any phenomenon can be transformed into stages of its development and vice versa. At the same time, we take into account that professional educational activity has a ring structure, each of the elements of which is in various interactions. Developing the views of modern researchers, we distinguish the procedural components of educational activities: 1) diagnostic; 2) design and target; 3) organizational; 4) stimulating and motivating; 5) control and evaluation, which we also consider as stages of the above activity [2; 4; 6]. Let us briefly characterize them.

The diagnostic stage contains various aspects of the teacher’s gnostic activity. It involves comprehending the goals, objectives, essence, and specifics of the education process both on the basis of their theoretical vision and taking into account objective factors determined by the social situation in society. At the same time, the teacher analyzes the characteristics of different categories of students, accumulates educational information about the goals, means, content of work with students, evaluates his or her own activities and their value orientation.

Design and target stage. The teacher defines the strategic goals of educational activities, which act as a mental representation of the future result (image – goal – formed student personality). The teacher models programs for solving strategic and tactical tasks, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students, their area of immediate development, helps students identify their own problems and design ways to achieve them.

The organization stage involves the implementation of the teacher’s educational plan in cooperation with students. It creates an atmosphere of psychological and pedagogical support for their creative endeavors, reorientation of personal goals to achieve an effective result [2]. At the stage of goal realization, the teacher facilitates the involvement of students in various activities, enables them to test their potential, develop their abilities by solving their personal and professional problems. The teacher teaches students how to analyze, model, design, organize, communicate, which they need in the course of their own life and professional activities [6].

Stimulating and motivating element of the activity. It should be noted that educational activity is primarily a communicative activity, and therefore it is based on the establishment of appropriate, partnership relations of mutual understanding and mutual respect between the subjects of the educational process. The teacher uses the means of educational situations to regulate the process of students’ interaction with objects of communication, cognition, and work; receives feedback.

The control and evaluation stage involves assessing the results achieved and comparing them with the original goal. This stage covers not only the teacher’s own activities, but also concerns the activities of students who learn self-control, mutual control and group control skills in the process of educational work. This approach contributes to the development of students’ reflective abilities, positive value and cognitive motivation, and increases their interest in learning, work, and communication.

The study of the problem of the teacher’s upbringing has a multidimensional character, as it is carried out within the framework of a new innovative science – acmeology, which studies the state of maturity and the highest level of development of the individual. This area of science is actively developing, combining the efforts of many scientists (O. Vozniuk, V. Gladkova, V. Ognevyuk, N. Sydorchuk, S. Sysoieva, L. Rybalko, etc.) of various humanities disciplines to study the individual, personal, subjective and activity characteristics of a physically and mentally mature person, to identify objective and subjective conditions that would enable him to prove himself most fruitfully in life [7, 9].

All of this together, namely: value orientations, attitudes, abilities, knowledge, skills determine the core of the spiritual and intellectual development of the personality and activity of the teacher, the level of his/her professionalism. Scientists identify an important component of pedagogical professionalism – the cultural training of the teacher, which means the ascent of future specialists to the heights of culture, the reproduction of its acme achievements [6].

Taking into account these provisions, the conceptual model of the study includes two more substructures. The first contains a substructure that characterizes the professional qualities of a personality (professionalism of a personality), the second – the properties that characterize the activities of an educator (professionalism of activities). The specificity of pedagogical work is that it influences the development of society by means of fulfilling its professional roles. Therefore, the professionalism of the teacher’s personality as an educator includes such qualities that stimulate the development of his/her spiritual and intellectual sphere.

Conclusions. Thus, the conceptual basis of the upbringing of a teacher of a higher educational institution is value orientations, attitudes, abilities, knowledge, skills, which together determine the level of his/her professionalism and competence, spiritual and intellectual maturity. In the context of the acmeological approach, the study of the upbringing of a higher education teacher is promising and aimed at further continuous self-improvement of his or her personality.

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