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The publication proves the relevance of the problem of multicultural education and multicultural upbringing of students in the context of the globalization of society. Different approaches of scientists to defining the essence of these processes are analyzed. The close interrelation and mutual influence of multicultural education and multicultural upbringing are revealed.
Keywords: multicultural education, multicultural education, student youth, higher education institution.

Kabanska O. S.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Kryvko M. Yu.
PhD student of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


In the context of the globalization of society and the increasing mobility of its members, the importance of multicultural education and upbringing of future professionals is significantly increasing, which ensures their readiness for successful life in the modern space, characterized by the integration and interpenetration of different cultures, active interaction of their representatives.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the different approaches of scholars to defining the essence of the processes of multicultural education and multicultural upbringing of students in the context of the globalization of society.

As emphasized in the scientific literature, the urgent need of our time is the implementation of constructive interaction between carriers of different cultures, which is realized at the level of interpersonal and business contacts between people. Therefore, pedagogical means should ensure that each individual develops a tolerant attitude towards different cultures, national languages, traditions, and values of other nations, and encourage their representatives to actively cooperate with each other on the basis of mutual respect and tolerance. Such interaction encourages people to rethink their own beliefs and cultural values [4, p. 13]. In this regard, the implementation of multicultural education and upbringing of future specialists is an important task for every higher education institution.

According to L. Sidun, multicultural education in higher education is realized as a process of training a multicultural specialist who is able to organize effective professional and personal interaction with carriers of other cultures in a multicultural society, and this is possible if the following tasks are met

1) providing the applicant with the necessary knowledge about different cultures;
2) forming a value-based attitude to the peculiarities of different cultures and their representatives;
3) development of the future specialist’s skills and abilities to interact in a multicultural environment [2, p. 198].

O. Antonova argues that multicultural education as an important component of modern education includes the organization and content of the educational process, which represents different cultures that differ from each other on linguistic, racial, ethnic or national grounds. The main idea of multicultural education is to implement it on the basis of the principle of dialogue and interaction of different cultures, which assumes that people realize their culture to the greatest extent only against the background of interaction and dialogue of different cultures, when the special characteristics of each of them become clear. In turn, multicultural education is a process of forming a multicultural personality, which is carried out on the basis of ensuring orientation to the dialogue of different cultures, adaptation of society members to various cultural values in the situation of the functioning of a plurality of cultures, and the rejection of cultural and educational monopoly in relation to other nations and peoples [3, p. 68].

P. Kendzior notes that under multicultural education scientists understand:

— A transformational process that allows a person to go beyond his or her own cultural experience and enrich it through interaction with another culture;
— a dynamic process that teaches a person to think critically, analyze information competently, and to make contacts and cooperate constructively with people from different cultures
— A process aimed at protecting all differences (ethnic, linguistic, religious, regional, etc.) between social groups that may be subject to discrimination;
— anti-discrimination education, which rejects manifestations of ethnocentrism, racism, xenophobia, sexism and other human rights violations
— The process of integrating different cultural communities into a coherent civil society, developing in each of its members civic and social responsibility for the community, region, country and the whole world;
— a complex pedagogical process that takes into account all social and cultural differences of the subjects of the modern educational space and is aimed at their formation as competent individuals characterized by the formation of the necessary knowledge about the culture of their own and other peoples, tolerant attitude towards them and experience of effective positive interaction with representatives of different cultures [1, p. 66-67].

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that multicultural education and multicultural upbringing are closely related and influence each other. The implementation of multicultural education and upbringing of students in higher education institutions is an urgent need of our time. Therefore, every higher education teacher should contribute to solving these important problems.

List of references

1. Kendzor P. I. Multicultural education of students in the system of activity of a general educational institution (theory and methodology): Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.07. Kyiv, 2017. 504 с.
2. Sidun L. Y. Development of multicultural education in higher education in the United States: PhD in Pedagogy: 13.00.04. Uzhhorod; Ternopil, 2021. 243 с.