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The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of using musical art in the national education of students. The means of musical art used for the purpose of national education are defined, in particular: perception of music; performing activity; singing; playing musical instruments; involvement of special courses of national musical orientation in the educational process; extracurricular work combining national education and musical art; educational music and educational work; creation of a cultural and educational environment of a higher education institution, etc.
Keywords: music, musical art, national education, national consciousness, students.

Lei Kun
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


National education is an important and integral part of the educational work of any educational institution and the education system as a whole. It is aimed at forming a nationally conscious, active, proactive, persistent, hardworking personality who has a clear civic position, knows and respects folk traditions, the history of his/her country, its culture, shows love for the Motherland, readiness to defend it, desire to preserve and enhance its cultural heritage, etc. National education begins in the family and is implemented at all stages and levels of education, including higher education.

Musical art has a great potential for national education, as folk songs, music, and folk musical instruments help a person to touch the national culture, feel part of the people, awaken national consciousness, and expand a person’s worldview in an interesting way.

In view of this, it is relevant and necessary to study the possibilities of using musical art in the implementation of national education of students.

An effective means of realizing the national education of students is the use of art in the educational process of higher education institutions. Music has always been one of the most powerful means of influencing the culture and spiritual world of the individual, so elements of musical art are widely used as a tool for student education. Music successfully forms not only moral culture and aesthetic qualities, but also civic position, patriotism and national consciousness.

Musical art affects the emotional and sensual sphere of a person, directs his or her aspirations and thoughts to achieve an ideal. Works of musical art are focused on achieving socially important goals – the formation of socially responsible people capable of reflecting and transforming the world [5]. Therefore, the influence of music on the formation of various qualities, properties and culture of the individual, including national consciousness, is undeniable [1].

National education of students by means of musical art includes:

activities aimed at forming military-patriotic qualities in students through their involvement in the musical arts (studying musical works, participating in artistic volunteering, holding various musical cultural and educational events, etc;)
revealing the possibilities and potential of musical art for the formation of students’ patriotism, national consciousness and civic culture;
gradual implementation of national education of students, formation of a favorable emotional atmosphere of the educational environment and educational relationships of all subjects of the educational process, study of changes in the level of civic culture of students;
introduction of various forms of musical and artistic activity of students, their practical work on the study, preparation and performance of various works of musical art with patriotic, national coloring [5].

In general, the means of musical art have wide possibilities for use in the implementation of national education. Among these means, the most effective are:

listening to musical works
playing musical instruments;
performing activities;
introduction to musical genres: instrumental, vocal, and theatrical music;
in-depth study and involvement in the educational process of special courses that reveal folk music creativity, promote deep and solid mastery of the song culture of the people by students, awareness of the educational, cognitive, cultural, and developmental functions of folk songs;
involvement of elements of musical art in the study of academic disciplines, strengthening their patriotic orientation;
extracurricular activities that combine national education and musical art;
organization of musical clubs, artistic and creative associations;
personal expression in musical creativity, scientific and pedagogical research, various creative competitions (for example, for the best performance of Ukrainian folk songs), multimedia presentations of musical works, and staging;
involvement of higher education students in the implementation of cultural values in the educational process of various educational institutions, their popularization and implementation of educational music and educational work;
creation of a cultural and educational environment of a higher education institution that promotes positive motivation of students to carry out national education, etc.

Musical art classes have a significant impact on the human subconscious. Properly and carefully selected repertoire (especially folk music) has excellent opportunities to form students’ active citizenship, love and respect for their native land and people, a sense of pride in the history and cultural achievements of the nation.

Thus, musical art has a significant potential for fostering students’ patriotism, civic position, national consciousness, creativity and moral culture. The involvement of musical art in the process of national education makes it easier to achieve the tasks of educational work, introduces an aesthetic element into the process of education and upbringing, which allows to influence the emotions and feelings of the individual, to form his or her values and internal beliefs and to convey important ideas about national education to students in an interesting way.

List of references

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