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In today’s educational environment, the guidelines for the formation of young people’s spiritual values, their moral character, and socially significant positions are set, creating an image of the new generation. Higher education is a cultural, educational, cultural and intellectual space. The necessity of professional training of future teachers to work in the organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents is substantiated.
Keywords: spirituality, intellectual potential, student youth, leisure, leisure pedagogy.

Yallina V. L.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


At the current stage of society’s development, the formation of a spiritual, intellectually creative, socially active personality is becoming a priority. These ideas are reflected in the Constitution of Ukraine, the State National Program “Education” (“Ukraine of the XXI Century”), the Laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On the Basic Principles of Youth Policy”, the Concept of National Education, etc. The humanistic approach to education, the priority of human values, the development of natural inclinations, the formation of the mental culture of the younger generation as a spiritual source actualize certain requirements for the formation of professional competencies of the future teacher. The peculiarity of the teacher’s pedagogical activity is that it is the teacher who helps children to adapt to the new conditions of the educational environment.

The purpose of the article is to explore the guidelines for the formation of spiritual values of young people, their moral character, socially significant positions that create the image of a new generation in the educational space of higher education and in the professional training of future teachers to work in organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents.

The educational space of a higher education institution is a place of professional training, which includes the formation of students’ spiritual and intellectual culture. Existing trends in the decline of the cultural and intellectual level of the nation, the crisis of values and ideals, the loss of moral guidelines, and the devaluation of such categories as conscience and honor have led to negative consequences in society: an increase in the level of crime among young people, a loss of interest in learning and self-improvement, and a lack of social responsibility.

Psychologists, educators, and sociologists draw attention to the problem of poor development of children’s leisure time. The use of leisure time by children and young people, due to various factors, can, on the one hand, be a resource for development, and, on the other hand, be a means of desocializing children, pose a threat of neglect, and involve children in criminal activities. Scientists note the pedagogical potential of leisure as a leading means of socializing children, which creates opportunities for successful adaptation, integration and individualization in society. Important in leisure activities are their voluntariness, variety of forms, emotional content, creative nature, and satisfaction of intellectual and spiritual needs.

Significant obstacles in today’s conditions include a reduction in the number of free and publicly accessible additional education institutions, a lack of modern methods for organizing children’s leisure, a significant increase in the percentage of employed parents, children being left to their own devices, the spread among young people of the practice of using gadgets and gaming devices instead of reading books, the transition to a remote format of many institutions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the introduction of martial law.

Society is faced with the need to address the problems of ensuring the well-being of children and their families, significant mental and physical stress for a long time, a dramatic change in the environment for many families, and the need to provide them with appropriate support.

It should be noted that the pedagogical management of the leisure sphere of children and youth involves an integrated approach: taking into account the pedagogical resources of leisure in the process of personality development, prevention of destructive, deviant forms of children’s behavior, search for modern forms and methods of social and pedagogical support for the younger generation.

In the process of studying the module “Pedagogy of Leisure” within the discipline “Educational Technology Delivery” at H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, students consider the issues of directions, content of leisure activities; the main institutions of the leisure sphere; methods of organizing cultural and leisure activities in general secondary education institutions; leisure of schoolchildren in distance and blended learning; organization of leisure in children’s health and recreation facilities.

Pedagogy of leisure covers a wide range of both theoretical and practical issues related to the development of spiritual culture of the individual, involvement in global values in free time from the main classes, creation of educational space, selection of leisure practice technologies, expansion of the complex of information support for leisure organization, implementation of purposeful and spontaneous interpersonal interactions, differentiated approach to work with different age and social categories of the population, improvement of training of future teachers.

It is valuable for the development of students’ pedagogical thinking to emphasize acmeological aspects in the process of mastering leisure pedagogy, not to leave students indifferent, to awaken live emotions.

It should be noted that during the classes, attention is drawn to the importance of leisure institutions, the introduction of partnership pedagogy, the active work of public organizations, and the preservation of national heritage.

Lecture classes include a joint discussion of the possibilities of using free time, taking into account the interests and preferences of the individual, the existing state policy on this issue, the factors influencing the choice of leisure activities, and the importance of leisure content for the development of the individual’s intellect, physiology, and spirituality.

A special role in the spiritual and intellectual education of students is given to the development of practical skills during seminars. This involves modeling situations, organizing discussions, brainstorming sessions, subgroup work, using business games, and presenting leisure activities.

Along with seminars, students perform independent work in the form of drawing up mind maps, diagrams, familiarizing themselves with regulatory documents, and solving cases. An obligatory component of the module is the formation of students’ skills and abilities to develop projects of leisure activities, the purpose of which is the comprehensive development of the individual, taking into account individual needs and abilities.

Thus, leisure pedagogy is the basis for future teachers to master the theoretical and practical foundations of organizing children’s active leisure; intellectual, spiritual and professional growth.

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