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The article defines the essence of language, foreign language culture and spirituality as unique phenomena, highlights the relationship between them. The role and significance of foreign language culture in the development of personal spirituality are clarified. The necessary prerequisites for the formation of this culture in the subjects of learning are highlighted.
Keywords: role, significance, foreign language culture, spirituality, personality.

Tkachov A. S.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Boyko O. A.
PhD student of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


A characteristic feature of the development of modern society is computerization, which has affected all spheres of its life, even those related to human creativity and spirituality. That is why today no one is surprised to see digital tools being used to create music, paintings, or even perform religious rituals. It should also be noted that the digital age has erased the boundaries of communication between people from different countries and even continents. Thanks to the Internet, people can freely communicate with each other, even if they are at a considerable distance from each other. However, for successful interaction, they must have a good command not only of a foreign language but also of a foreign culture, which is closely related to the spiritual sphere of a person.

At the same time, it is important to note that humanity’s transition to the digital age not only brings about certain positive consequences for members of society, but also causes many problems related to their spiritual development. Therefore, there is an urgent need to reveal the role and significance of foreign language culture as a unique phenomenon in the development of personal spirituality.

The purpose of the article is to define the essence of language, foreign language culture and spirituality as unique phenomena, to highlight the relationship between them, as well as the role and importance of foreign language culture in the development of personal spirituality.

It should be noted that the study of the problem raised in the study involves defining the essence of its key concepts, namely: language, foreign language culture and spirituality of the individual. As it was found out on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, language is understood, on the one hand, as a system of signs, rules and means that ensure the process of people’s cognition of the world around them and communication with each other, and on the other hand, as a centuries-old heritage of the people, created by the efforts of many generations, a means of spiritual unification of people, one of the most important national values and cornerstones of the national identity of the individual. The first manifestations of the spiritual life of a people as a separate community arise in the process of forming its native language, because it is a means of spiritual unification and mutual influence of its speakers and, at the same time, a way of expressing the inner world of an individual. Moreover, language cannot exist outside the culture with which it is inextricably linked [4; 7].

A person’s linguistic culture is manifested in his/her adherence to the stable norms of the literary language (oral and written), as well as in the conscious and skillful use in practice of certain linguistic and expressive means that are chosen in accordance with the purpose and circumstances of communication. In turn, experts understand foreign language culture as a person’s personal formation, which is manifested in language and speech behavior and ensures productive interaction with native speakers of another language [1; 3; 5].

In the context of the problem raised, it is also advisable to clarify that human spirituality is an integral quality that embodies individual meaningful life values of a person, determines the general direction of his/her activity, ensures his/her humane attitude towards other members of society and encourages continuous spiritual self-improvement based on mastering relevant human and national values. Effective ways of forming this quality in a person are learning native and foreign languages, mastering language and, in particular, foreign language culture [2; 6].

It is important to note that the process of forming a person’s foreign language culture is aimed at ensuring his/her effective functioning in the relevant language environment and, in particular, developing the ability to successfully interact with native speakers of a non-native language. This requires not only mastering the means and capabilities of the language, observing the relevant linguistic and stylistic norms, but also following the rules of communicative behavior in certain situations of foreign language communication, demonstrating knowledge of the ethnic traditions of representatives of different language communities, and showing respect for their cultural characteristics.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that the process of learning a foreign language does not automatically ensure the development of a person’s spirituality. This process should be aimed at forming a person’s foreign language culture, which contributes to broadening his or her cultural outlook, developing the ability to interact effectively with representatives of other cultures on the basis of goodwill and tolerance, developing a desire to better understand one’s communication partner, and showing a desire to constantly improve the level of this culture. However, such internal work on oneself, gaining experience of highly moral behavior in interaction with speakers of different languages serve as a kind of catalyst for the process of forming a person’s spirituality. Thus, foreign language culture plays an important role in this process, but in order to increase its importance in it, this culture should be properly represented in the formulated learning objectives and educational content.

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