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The article emphasizes the need to adhere to the acmeological approach in the process of spiritual and moral upbringing of student youth. It is proved that the cross-cutting process of spiritual and intellectual upbringing of student youth, which forms the highest social ideals, is one of the main components of the strategy of a higher education institution.
Keywords: spiritual and intellectual upbringing, student youth, higher education institution, acmeology.

Smerechak L. I.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Correctional Education,
Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine


Spiritual and intellectual upbringing of student youth is an integral part of the system of national education of Ukrainian citizens.

The strategy of the educational policy of a higher education institution should be based on the principles of democracy and humanism and contribute to the creation of conditions for personal development and self-realization of a young person. In modern conditions, the role of a higher education institution in the formation of a moral and spiritual, value-oriented and intellectually developed personality is particularly significant.

The modern system of training future specialists requires the development of optimal forms and methods aimed at optimizing the educational process, developing their high professionalism depending on the specifics and direction of their professional activity. At the stage of maturity, the processes of upbringing, education, and training are gradually replaced by the processes of self-realization in the form of self-upbringing, self-education, and self-improvement. That is why the issue of organizing the educational process in a higher education institution on the basis of acmeology is relevant.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The basis for the development of the outlined problem was the work on the general laws of the organization of the educational process in a higher education institution (A. Aleksiuk, V. Andrushchenko, I. Ziayun, A. Kapska, A. Kuzminsky, N. Nychkalo, S. Sysoieva, V. Strelnikov, S. Kharchenko, etc.

The peculiarities of the acmeological approach in the theory and practice of higher education in Ukraine and abroad are revealed by S. Arkhipova, V. Vakulenko, S. Kalaur, V. Moliako, S. Palchevsky, and others.

Scientists consider the system of spiritual and intellectual upbringing of higher education students as a part of interrelated components of a holistic educational process. The latter involves the implementation of strategies, tactics and methods for the formation of spiritual and intellectual values of future professionals.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the acmeological approach to the process of spiritual and intellectual upbringing of students.

Modern society has set the task of training professionals who have deep fundamental theoretical knowledge and have a thorough practical training for higher education. In order to ensure the productivity of the educational process, it is necessary to focus on the formation of a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, taking into account the role of each participant in the educational process.

Only under this condition is their coordinated activity aimed at achieving high results in professional activities possible. Important in this aspect of the problem is the adherence to the acmeological approach in the process of professional training of higher education students.

Acme (from the Greek “acme” – top, peak, the highest degree of something) is the highest level of achievement in solving special and professional tasks in any profession, including science, art, literature, technology, education [2]. Personal potential in acmeology is considered as a self-managed system of internal renewable resources of the individual, which are manifested in activities aimed at obtaining socially significant results [2].

We are deeply convinced that spiritual and intellectual development are important components of the professional excellence of future specialists. The system of spiritual and intellectual upbringing of students is connected not only with the activities of structural units of higher education institutions and areas of the educational process, but also constantly interacts with the external environment, which affects the formation and development of the existing system of upbringing [1].

Adherence to the acmeological approach in the process of training higher education students involves the transition of the student from the category of object to the subject of the educational process. Subjectivity (according to V. Strelnikov) is the main formation of students’ personal and professional development, reflecting the level of manifestation and self-development of professionally significant personal qualities [3, p. 113].

The cross-cutting process of spiritual and intellectual upbringing of student youth, which forms the highest social ideals, is one of the main components of the strategy of a higher education institution. It should be emphasized that an ideal is actually a projection of human consciousness that is focused on predicting the future (both personal and professional). Students should strive to become as useful as possible for Ukraine, as well as to work tirelessly to enrich their spiritual world and improve their professional competence.

In modern conditions, the professional training of future specialists should focus on developing the ability to adhere to spiritual and moral guidelines in their work and to exclude moments of ideological and religious “pressure” from it.

An important role in the process of spiritual and intellectual upbringing of students is played by the content of the curriculum.

Conclusions. Thus, a well-grounded system of concepts and definitions allows for generalizing theoretical research and solving practical problems related to the study of patterns, mechanisms, conditions of spiritual and intellectual education of students and high personal and professional achievements.

List of references

1. Spiritual and moral education of student youth. Innovative approaches to the education of student youth in higher education institutions. Ivan Franko National University of Kyiv, 2014. С. 78-87.
2. Archipova S. Fundamentals of acmeology: a textbook. CHNU, 2009. 127 с.
3. Strelnikov V. Study of the development of student’s subjectivity in the process of professional training. Pedagogical process: theory and practice. 2004. Issue 1. pp. 112-122.